The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

a A A A CLASSIFIED THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1950 CLASSIFIED 27 Investing. Companies ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOMOBILES Building--Contracting 19 82 Male Help--Salary 33 AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES BUSINESS SERVICES EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT Automobiles for Sale 11 Trucks for Salo 11A Help Wanted--Female Bid Asked Business Announcements MASON WORK of all kinda. Taddia, Tel. DO YOU And it difficult ends meet COOKS Automobiles for Sale Aeronaut Sec 5.94 6.52 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Col-provia AUSTIN 1948 4 door sedan, Excellent JONES AUTOMOBILE SALES CO.

8-6190. plan 6 WAITERS making Affiliated 4.51 4.88 driveways loam for sale. Lawns rebuilt. throughout. Terms-Trades, 419 Walnut.

721 WORTHINGTON ST. PAPERHANGING painting. Your problem today? We uh have a part-time income few PASTRY COOK I Hold 34.50 36.00 3-9521. A-1 GUARANTEED USED CARS USED CARS Offers used trucks at give-away prices. 4-5188.

to help you. Neat appearance and ABC EMPLOYMENT, 1862 MAIN ST. Bus Shrs 4.00 1.33 LAWNMOWERS Factory pro- AT LOWEST PRICES '48 Buick 4-dr. Sedan $1205 18 my job. For free estimates.

only. Work guar- hours per day will qualify you. Phone 000K -Wanted. Day work. Cedars LunchAxe laughton Fd 8.66 9.36 sharpened.

Tel. 9-3975. HAROLD KENT FORD Buick 2-dr. Sedan 1075 1 PLASTERING new lobs 2-5935 for appt. eonette.

1833 Maid St. 4-9745. Duri 16.10 17.50 Blair Ilold 2.50 2.875 11 Jav Tr Am 98.20 102.29 Fund 22,39 24.21 Broad St Inv 18.48 19.98 Fund Co.80 22.78 Ceatury Shra Tr 37.55 40.37 Chemical Fund 17.33 18.76 Comwith Invest 6.02 6.54 Delaware Fund 13.01 16.51 Diversified Tr 8.05 9.25 Dividend Shr3 1.66 1.82 Eat How Bal Fd 28.49 30,46 Do Stk 19.30 20.61 Fidelity Fund 25.87 31.21 Finan Ind Fd 2.14 2.33 Boston Cp 81.00 32.75 First Mutual Tr Fd 5.52 8.13 Frank Cus Fd 5.53 6.07 Do Fd pt 6.02 6.60 Fund Investors 16.41 17.98 Gas Indust Fd 17.12 18.51 Gen Capital Cp 56.70 60.97 Gen Investors Tr 6.30 6.74 Group Sec Agricul 1.29 7.99 Do Auto 6.91 7.63 Do Aviat 6.33 6.94 Do Bldg 8.32 9.12 Do Chem 7.22 7.92 Do Elect 10.93 11.99 Do Foods 5 07 6.87 Fully Adm 7.51 8.23 Do Gen Bd 7.63 8.35 Do Ind Meh 7.26 7.06 Do Inst Bd 9.24 9.70 Do Invest 9.21 10.01 Do Low Sh 6.01 6.59 Merch 8.27 9.06 Do Mining 5.12 5.62 Do Do RR Petrol Bd 8.63 2.49 9.51 2.75 Do RR Equip 3.72 4.09 Do KN Sik 4.76 5.23 Do Sec Steel. 5.83 6.10 Do Tob 4.43 4.57 Do Util 6.92 6.82 Howe Pian Fd 4.65 6.03 Income Found Fd 1.85 2.01 Incorp Investors 25.89 27.45 Instl Sh Ltd: Avia 9.34 10.24 Do Bank .82 .91 Do Insur 1.13 1.24 Do Stka Bds 13.20 14.47 Investment Co Am 10.05 11.47 Invest Tr Bost 0.04 9.91 Keystone Cust 27.07 28.31 Do 2 23.73 20,81 Do 17.49 19.08 Do 10.23 11.17 Do 16.36 17.85 Do 14 23.46 25.39 Do ISH 31.93 34.83 Do 15.66 17.09 13.35 14.78 Do 5.34 3.83 kerbo Fu 6.21 5.71 xington Fd 2.31 zLoomis Say Mut 61.77 34.71 Do ed Fd 30.29 50.29 Manag Fd: Auto 3.77 1.16 Do El Equip 4.04 4.43 Do Gen 3.40 3.85 Do Non Ferr 3.52 3.66 Do Paper 1.30 4.71 Do Petrol 1.47 4.93 Do Steel 4.97 M- Bond Fd 7.42 8.13 Mi Invest Tr 30.11 $2.89 To 2d Fd 14.34 15.50 0 1'1 Fd Bos 14.47 15.73 Invest 15.34 16.06 Wide Bal 14.45 15.52 Investors 10.53 11.38 8-c Ser-Bd 6.87 7.01 8 P. Bd 6.54 7.15 Pref Stk 6.74 7.37 Income 4.37 4.78 4.96 5.12 Ind Sik 7.01 7.69 LOW Stk 4.30 4.70 cind 3.95 4.32 3.17 3.46 Stacks England Fd Agricul 10.51 16.72 17.98 11.52 Da Auto 7.61 8.31 Do Aviat 7.90 8.66 Do Bldg Sup 9.66 10.59 Do Chem 13.70 15.01 Do Divers Indus 4.51 4.94 Do Diver Inv 11.58 12.09 Do Div Pid Stk 10.42 11.42 El Equip 12.54 13.74 Do Merch 11.14 12.21 Do Metals 9.31 10.21 Oils 19.33 21.17 Pac Cst 11.65 12.77 Do Railroad 5.58 6.12 Do RR Equip 6.48 7.10 Steel 9.34 10.24 (G) Fd 16.48 17.72 Reput Inv Fd 2.64 2.89 Selected Am Sh 11.02 12.89 Sharehidrs Tr 22.00 £3.34 Sovereign Inv 6.40 7.01 State Street Invest 36.50 59.00 Television Fd 12.38 13.49 Trusteed Indus Shra S6 Union" Bond Fd A 21.64 Do Fd 18.15 Do Fd 6.41 Do pi Stk Fd 20.13 Do com Stk Fd 7.ST United Income Fd 10.52 11.43 Wellington Fd 18.55 20.24 Wisconsin Inv 3.67 3.98 Whitehall Fd 18.07 19.43 7-Net asset value.

Asterisk indicates, "Not quoted by or issuers." Legal Notice COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Hampden Probate Court all persons interested in the estate ot J. FISH late of Springfield, in said The executors of the will of sald deCounty, deceased. ceased. have presented to said Court for If yr desire to. object thereto you alloware? their first and final account.

your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Springfleld before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the seventh day of July 1950 the day of this Esquire, citation. Witness, Thomas H. Stapleton, June First in Judge the vear one thousand nine bundred of said Court, this eighth atty. John J. Lyons, Register (June 13, 20.

27) ADVERTIsem*nT FOR: BIDS FOR BOILER-BUR VER INSTALLATION PARK STREET SCHOOL PALMER, MASS. Sealed bids wil: be received as set forth be by the hool Committee, Town 12 of noon Palmar Massachusetts on or before June. 27, 1950 at the office of the School Superintendent. High School, Palmer, opened at Mag- 7 sachusetts, and there publicly p. 10 Drawings and Specifications may be obta 'ned at the Superintendent of Schools' offi-e, High School, Palmer, Massachusetts, after June 1950, upon depositing the of $10.00 or check of like sum, Massachu- made setts.

Gable This deposit will be refunded to bidp to the Town of Palmer, ders who return documents In good condition. The Committee reserves the right to any or bidder all bids. must deposit a certified Each check. or bid bond. in the amount of five of per cent of his bid as assurance execution Attention of of bidders is directed to the contract.

reto be observed and minimum wage rates to quirements as to conditions of employment be paid under this contract. (June 17-19) CLASSIFIED ADS DIAL 7-5366 ANNOUNCEMENTS Basiness Announcements ANY CLOGGED sewer drain pipe electrically razor-kleened or no charge. Roto Rooter. Tel 4-3754. 364 Parker St.

E. Long. Ph. Spild, 6-1909. ARTESIAN wells drilled.

Pat Santaniello, A-1 BEST-Roto tilling. Driveways, 7-2133. loam lawn work. Free est. 3-7235, A-1 Trash Service.

CAllars cleaned. Rubbish hauled away. Veteran 6-6203. AT Baker's Convalescent Home, 38 Warner City. Vacancy open for lady otherwise.

or gentle- Tel man patient, bedridden or ALL IS KINDS of lawnmowers sharpened by -7162. machine, oiled adjusted. 1 M. day W. service.

Davis, Free up delivery. 53 St. or Tel. 6-8804 days or even. ATTENTION! Giordana Bros.

Landscaping manure. tractor Garden service, dacres cinders plowed. 'Tel. 7-7724 01 9-6128. ATTICS.

cellars. yards, cleaned. Rubbish removed. McSweeney. 3-4851.

ASPHALT Colprovia driveway. power roller. Cement work. Paul "V' 7-8823. BULLDOZER for dental grading, cellars dug, land cleared, Ludlow stumps, 9155 stones, etc.

James White, BULLDOZER--For hire, hour Land or contract, cleared. cellars grading. Camerotti, 4-7619. CESSPOOLS' septic tanks cleaned. Prompt service.

Reas. rates. Hygienic sewer cleaners. Tel. Southwick 113.

CURTAINS, fresh laundered, ar dried. 50c Call, up. Del. Blankets. 6-7906.

CESSPOOLS--Septic tanks Phone flush-kleened Rotoquick. odorless, sanitary. Rooter "Of Course" 4-3754. CARS washed, waxed and Tel. polished 9-1464.

$5. Satiefaction guaranteed. ELDERLY MAN C. will K. mow, Adams, rake 9-6046.

clean lawns reas. Mr. FLOORS cleaned, waxed polished. Reasonable 4-2054 LAWNMOWING, gardening odd Jobs 4-1647. reasonable prices.

Call evenings. $2.50. Spirite. cess. Joe LANDSCAPE GARDENING- mowed, any size F.

D. McCormack. Tel. 9-4182. LAWNMOWERS, saw.

factory sharpened. Pick up and deliver. Call Eddie 7-9093. LAWN MOWERS sharpened. oiled.

adtuated Factory methods. Call and deliver. 3-4397. ing Also on all makes models. BidREFRIGERATION service air conditionwell Refrigeration Service, Brimfield.

Mass, Tel. Brimfield 453. SUPER DUPER Complete simonizing job $6. 58 Seventh St. Tel.

7-2394. WINDOWS CLEANED Residential only 13c for outside. Tel. 7-7280. Personals ALL TYPES of problems investigated.

For app't. Call 3-7170, Consultation $3. Whitney Detective Service. 44 Vernon St. ATTENTION MOTHERS will care for child on vacation or work.

91 Silver St. West. Spfid. 9.0025, HELEN: Do you want a Golden Sun Bronze Tan this summer? Use Hill Murray Sun Cream. Hills' Pharmacy.

Exchange Chic. Murray's Drug Store, 180 Hanco*ck Springfield. PANTS. PANTS. PANTS Plain fronts short or men.

pleated. tall men. regular men. JOSEPH'S-1821 MAIN ST. Above Arch SEAFISHING.

Niantic. Conn. Dorothea. Individuals, also parties. 8.30 a.

m. dally 3-1180 New London 3-0212. WILL GIVE loving care to elderly lady or semi-invalid in good clean home. Also consider or children, above 5 Box 327 Union Office. YOUNG MAN leaving for Miami around June 21st.

Take up. to three passengers. Good references. Share expenses Tel. 8044 Lost and Found 10 CAT lost light grey tiger young male, vic.

Stonyhill Rd. Reward. Call No. Wilb. 4-2.

ELECTRIC CORD lost on Parker St. or vic. Sun. Reward. Tel.

4-6823. FOUND Bik. White dog. (Female) Rt. 20 bet Huntington Woronoco.

3-6130 Spfid. C. Loomis. FOUND wallet. Make proper identification.

Pay expense Box 363 Union Office. GOLD ROSARY lost June 11 btw. Holy Name Church, Sumner Ave, jct. Belmont Ave. Reward.

4-6552. LADIES GLASSES lost In black case. between E. Spfld. Walgreen'A Drugstore, T-3388.

LOST WRIST WATCH lady's) 14 K. 3 diamonds on cover, mesh mesh band. 2-3337. Mrs. Burger.

LOST: 7 CAT Angora--male. Tri-colored. Double front paws. Reward. 9-6765.

LOST 2 shopping bags containing man's cloth'ng valuable papers. Reward. Tel. 9-5939. $5 REWARD for information about a small bobtail angora cat.

black Maltese with 4 white paws, that disappeared Friday from yard of 91 Letendre F. AUTOMOBILES Automoblies for Sale 11 ABSOLUTELY the best used cars. All makes, all models, Oldsmobile dealers. YOUNG MOTOR SALES 510 MAIN ST. 6-9594 ALL our care and trucks must sell re gardless of price and car condition.

Open until 9 p. m. 292 Park West Spfld. AS LITTLE AS $23 low 83 $5 weekly will purchase a car at Nuger's. 518 Memorial West Springfield.

A GOOD BUY-'36 Olds, 6, excellent cond. Tel. 6-8759 after 5 p. m. AT BETTER USED CAR EXCHANGE SAVE AT LEAST $100 HERE 49 4 dr custom $1395 19 Ford 8 2 dr.

atke new 1345 48 Ford Club Coe. Immaculate a 1193 46 Ford dr. very clean $95 48 Chev. conv. loaded with extras 1493 48 Cher.

Aero gedan low mileage 1345 47 Dodge club cpe. nice 47 Buick super sedanette -1293 49 Mercury club cpe, liks new 47 Pontiac conv very sporty MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Most have Radio Heaters, Open til 9 1575 Stata St. Station) Tel. 7-1695 AT PINE POINT MOTOR SALES, INC. Stude.

Champ. Del. OD $1595 '49 Stude. Champ. Del.

1493 '49 Mercury Sed. OD. 1695 Stude. Land Cruiser 1850 Stude. Land Cruiser 1573 '47 Stude.

Champ. Sed. 1195 Stude. Champ. Conv.

1293 '47 Stude. Comm. Starlite Cpe. 1230 Pontiac Conv. Cpe.

1195 Stude. Champion 893 '46 Pontiac Sedanette 1195 Cadillac 62 1150 Stude. Comdr. Sedan 595 Stude. Comdr.

Sedan 393 '40 Stude. Champ. 2-dr. 395 '37 Plymouth 2-dr. Exceptional 195 '47 International pickup 693 New 1930 Studebakers for Immediate Delivery.

PINE POINT MOTOR SALES. INC. "Studebaker Headquarters Since 1566 STATE ST. TEL. 7-4335 AT BOWEN MOTORS INC.

A Real Fine Choice of Clean Late Model Cars 1949 Buick Super Sedanette Dynaflow 1949 Stude 4 Dr. Regal Del. O. D. Low mlage 1948 Dodge Dr.

Very Ciean 1948 Olds Club Sedan, Hydramatic 1947 Olds Club Sedan, Heater, Hydramatic 1947 Buick 4 Dr. Super. 'Very Nice 1947 Nash 4 Dr. Trunk Sedan 1947 Plymouth 4 Dr. Spec.

Deluxe 1947 Pontiac Streamliner 2 Dr. 1947 Chevrolet Conv. Club Coupe 1946 Olds Club Sedan, Hydramatia 1946 Dodge ton. Pickup Truck 1916 Buick Sedanette. 1946 Nash 4 Dr.

Sedan 1946 Ford 4 Dr. Sedan 1946 Ford 2 Dr. Sedan 1942 Olds. Club Sedan 1941 Chevrolet 2 Dr. Sedan Visit Both of Our Locations 364 Memorial Ave.

WV. Spfld. Tel. 4-9264 775 Iligh St. Holyoke Tel.

6700 AT A V. REOPELL, INC 1946 Chevrolet Coupe 995 1936 Chevrolet Sadan 1910 Chevrolet Town Sedan 493 1947 Chevrolet Sport Sedan 1245 1948 Chevrolet Sport Sedan 1345 A. V. REOPELL, INC. Chevrolet Sales-Service-Parts 700 State St Dial 7-0231 Used car lot on Hanco*ck St.



721 STATE ST. TEL. 4-6681 AUTOMOBILE SALES CO. Offers the following cars for your approval. OUR CARS are CLEANER- PRICES LOWER 1930 FORD Tudor 1700 miles, like new $1650 1949 MERCURY club conv.

like new 1830 1919 FORD club convertible like new. 1745 1949 PLYMOUTH 2 dr. sedan like new 1545 1949 FORD tudor, 6 spotless 1205 1949 FORD tudor, 8 spotless 1295 1919 MERCURY. dr. like new 1795 1949 CHEVROLET 2 dr.

like new 1395 1919 4 spotless 1545 1949 FORD tudor, every extra 1545 1948 FORD tudor like new 1195 1948 FORD club couple like new 1196 1947 FORD club coupe, spotless 895 1946 FORD club coupe, spotless 815 1846 FORD tudor sedan, spotless 795 1942 Chevrolet 2 very clean 595 1941 Mercury club 425 1911 Chevrolet club coupe 2 dr. sedan 545 1940 Mercury 4 dr. sedan, a real buy 393 1941 Hudson 4 very clean 490 1941 Plymouth 4 veary clean 495 1938 Oldsmobile. clean 125 1937 Oldsmobile, runs very good 100 Plymouth 2 runa good 75 1937 Ford 2 runs good. 50 up.

Extra clean used cara arriving daily on Many other care to choose from. $50 and the beautiful new 1950 Ford. AUTOMOBILE SALES CO. 95-117 Liberty Opp. R.

R. Station Visit Western Mase. oldest Ford dealer for 8 better car at lower price. Open' 'til 9 p. m.

Call 6-7287. One of our friendly salesmen will show you any car listed. No obligation to buy. BANK RATES UP TO 24 MONTHS 47 Plymouth Special Deluxe $1179 46 Buick sedanette super) 1199 Chevrolet very clean) 999 42 Buick sedanette Special) 690 41 Plymouth conv. "Cream Puff'') 679 41 Pontiac Club a beauty) 599 Chevrolet (8 to choose from) 599 40 Chev.

Club see this) 499 41 Ford club original 579 40 Pontiac 1 owner) 499 40 Buick (super buy of week) 249 39 Plymouth (new engine) 38 Buick Special) 179 MAIN MOTORS 1069-71 Main St. Open 9-9 Tel. 4-5719 Chic. Ford Dealer Chic. 2183 Spfld.

9-1609 BUICK 1041 sedan super moder. In good cond. $700 cash. Tel. 4-6944 bet.

8.30 12 N. 5-10 p. m. Weekdays. BUICK Lowest Prices Comparison Invited '49 Buick Roadmaster Sedanette Dyn.

$2295 Buick Roadmaster Sedanetto 1345 47 Buick Super Sedanette 1345 '47 Buick Super Convertible 1595 '46 Buick Roadmaster Sedanette 1243 '46 Buick Roadmaster Sedanette 1245 '46 Buick Super Sedan 1245 '46 Buick Roadmaster Sedan 1205 '47 Oldsmobile Club Coupe 1143 Oldsmobile Club Coupe 1043 Ford Custom Sedan 1493 Ford Club Coupe 1043 Nash Sedan 1095 '46 Dodge Coach 1045 '49 Mercury Sedan 1695 Most of These Car Haves Radioa Heaters And Carry A 30-Day Warranty New Cars For Immediate Delivery Open Eves. 'Til 9 p. m. Sat. 'Til 4 p.

m. SPRINGFIELD BUICK CO. 630 MAIN STREET TEL. 2-4126 BEFORE YOU BUY any Dodge, Plymouth or Dodge "Job Rated' Truck see ZABEK MOTOR SALES PALMER. MASS.

TEL. 1190 BUICK 1947 conv. club coupe. New cond. Will take best offer.

Dial 7-7716 bet. 3 p. m. BUICK 1041 ARTHUR E. CENTER, INC.

500 COLUMBUS 3-1115 BUICK, 1938 Recently overhauled $260. Call 7-4521. BUICK 1940-Super. A-1 condition, $395. Tol.

T'Ville, 5-889. CHEV. coach 1939. Reasonable price. Call 4.30.

R-3416. CHEVROLET. 1940-Sedan delivery, radio heater, excellent condition. Johnston Cordner. 125 St.

James Tel. 3-3355. COMPARE THESE CARS Hudson comm. 6 D. $1695 Pontiac sedanette, 1393 '47 Plymouth sedan, a 1103 Pontiac conv.

New top, 1443 47 Pontiac 4-dr 6, 1243 '42 Mercury 4-dr. 595 Buick Special 493 '40 Pontiac 6, club coupe, 303 '39 Olds (6) 2-dr. sedan 373 Plymouth no. paint 295 '37 Chevrolet 2-dr. 95 TRADES -OPEN 9 to 9-TERMS STATE MOTORS 533 State St.

Opp. (U. S. Armory) 9-5410 CHEVROLET 1948 Station Wagon privately owned. Excellent condition.

All equipment. Call 7-5671 after 6 p. m. CADILLAC 193S Black 1 owner Must be seen to appreciate. $400.

Tel. 3-0485. CHEVROLET 1948 2-DOOR SEDAN You must see this to appreciate its ty! You'll want to drive it to feel its power ease and 'comfort! You'll buy It for its. all around economy and value! Full Price $1295 LEADER CHEVROLET CO. 120 WESTFIELD WEST SPFLD.

CHEVROLET 1947 CONVERTIBLE COUPE lines to make people turn and a stare at its A striking maroon finish and long sleek beauty! Famous Chevrolet economy and ease of handling to make your driving fun! Lifetime Guarantee--Full Price $1345 LEADER CHEVROLET CO. 120 WESTFIELD WEST SPFLD. CHEVROLET 1949 CLUB COUPE If you are looking for a FIRST In perfornrance with economy come in and buy it! Finest for thrills with small bills! Protect your investment in buying America's best seller! Lifetime Guarantee--Down Payment- Only $395. LEADER CHEVROLET cO. 120 WESTFIELD WEST SPELD.

CHEVROLET 1941- dr. deluxe, D. Best offer. 7-6587. CHEVROLET 1941-Town sedan, one owner, very clean.

First $150 takes it. Call eves. 8909. CHEW. 1939 1 dr.

RAH. Beautiful cond. 2-4778 CONVERTIBLE CHEVROLET 1948 COUPE Here is 8 car that is easy on the eres and the pocketbook, too! It steers so easily Stops so smoothly Performs SO spiritedly that driving it Is positive pleasure. Maroon finish with deluxe equipment. Lifetime Guarantee--Full Price $1515 LEADER CO.

120 WESTFIELD WEST SPFLD. CHEVROLET 1942 STATION WAGON $505 ARTHUR E. CENTER, INC. 300 COLUMBUS -3-1115 CHEVROLET 1949-Private party wants to sell 2 dr. Fleetline Del.

seat covers. 4-0819. CHEVROLET 1940 2 dr. sedan. RaH, other accessories, Good cond.

Privately owned. quick sale $375. 293 Park West Spfld. CHEVROLET 1947 dr. Good cond.

Can be seen at 50 Bancroft anytime after 5.30 p. m. DODGE 1945 4 dr. sedan. Can be seen all day Sunday or after 5 D.

m. Monday. 83 Heywood West Spfld. 3-5966. DODGE 1947 Deluxe 2 door sedan.

Here Is the ideal family car with DO back doors to open accidentally. Equipped with a heater and decan be a driven away for only $1243. frostera and finished in La Plata blue. it F. L.

SANFORD CO. 648 STATE ST. TEL. 4-8251 DODGE 1947 Custom 4 door sedan. This car la equipped with 8 radio, heater, defrosters and is finished in gun metal gray.

it 19 in texcellent condition and has had only one owner. Eee it today It can he yours for only $1295, F. L. SANFORD co. 648 STATE ST.

TEL. 4-8231 DODGE 1946 Custom clue coupe. Here 1s beautiful gun metal gray car, equipped with a heater and defrosters, that 1g Just what you've been looking for, and at price you can afford, only $1:45. F. L.


sedan 99 1938 Chevrolet Panel 99 1938 Hudson dr. sedan 99 1939 Plymouth 4 dr. sedan 293 1939 Ford 85 4 dr. sedan 295 1941 Hudson (New motor Job) 495 1941 Chrysler 4 dr. sedan 575 1941 Nash Amb.

dr. sedan 575 1941 Chevrolet dr. sedan 075 1946 Chevrolet 2 dr. sedan 995 UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY OPEN 9 A. M.

9 P. M. 1043 MAIN ST. (Cor. Park) 7-3316 FORD 1947 4 FORDOR $1093 11 ARTHUR E.


500 Columbus Ave. 3-1115 FORD SUPER DELUXE 1 ARTHUR F. CENTER, INC. 3-1115 500 Columbus Ave. FORD '41 convertible, Radio heater, apotlight.

A-1 cond. Inq. 47 Lester St, FORD- hotrod special, 3 passenger cou de with 1936 1-8 engine. All new tires. excellent throughout.

$305, Byrnes Studebaker Agency. 34 Sumner Ave. FORD 1941 8. D. COUPE $495 ARTHUR EX CENTER, INC.

500 Columbus Ave. 3-1115 FORD 1935 Excellent for jalony. Perfect motor. See Dave Thompson. 181 Williams St.

after 5 p. m. FORD 1946 conv. auper deluxe model, New top new seat covers Excel. cond.

-Low mileage. Phone 2-7872. FORD 1938 dr. sedan. Good cond.

Tel. 9-2213. FORD 1940 conv. coupe, 711 Morgan West Springfleld. FORD 1940-Deluxe conv.

coupe. Privately owned. 312 Walnut St. Ledger's Gas Station. FORD good rubber, cheap transportation, Make offer.

6-9473, 249 57 FORD 1946 V-8, club coupe. RE Reas. Tel. 2-0315 or Chic. 153 M.

JEEPS-JEEPS-JEEPS EATON'S 820 WHITE ST. 6-6623 '49 Buick Super Sedan 2105 Bulck Special Sedan 675 '47 Cadillac Sedan 1093 '41 Chevrolet 4-dr. Sedan 39. Chevrolet 2 2-dr. Sedan 1203 '49 Chrysler Sedan N.

Y. '48 Chrysler Sedan 179 Chrysler 2-dr, Sedan 1775 '46 Chrysel N. Y. Sedan 1845 Chrysler N. Y.

Sedan 1493 Chrysler Traveler 1843 Chrysler Wind. 2-Ir. 795 '41 Chrysler 4-dr. Sedan 595 '48 Ie Soto 4-dr. Sedan 1695 De Soto Club Coupe 2195 '41 Dodge 4-dr.

Sedan G4 Dodge Club Cpe. 643 Ford Conv. Coupe 1090 '35 Ford 2-dr. Sedan Ford Tudor Sedan 119 '49 Hudson Sup. Sed.

1743 '46 Hudson 4-dr. Sedan 945 Nash 600 4-dr. Sedan 1545 '49 Nash Amb. 2-dr. Sedan 1743 4.

Nash 600 Sedan 1095 '49 Olds, 76 4-dr. Sedan 1947 Olds. 4-dr. Sedan 1293 Olde. 2-dr.

Sedan 1193 Packard 4-dr. Sedan 1795 49 Plymouth 4-dr. Sed. 1695 Packard Coupe 43 l'lymouth Sedan 1043 P'lymouth Club Coupe 1045 Plymouth 2-dr. 50 Plymouth 4-dr.

Sed. 593 l'ontiac 6 Coupe 1815 Pontiac 6 4-dr. Sedan 1297 I'ontiac 2-dr. Sedan 1293 P'ontiac Sedanette 1595 l'ontiac Conv. Coupe 1547 Pontiac Sedan Stude.

Ch. 2-dr. Sedan 397 48 Stude Champ. 1476 Stude. Club Coupe 1173 Stude.

Sed; As Is 193 Most of These Cars Are Equipped With Radios and Heaters 721 Worthington RALPHI St D. JONES, 6-6301 KELLEHER MIXER USED CAR VALUES 1930 Packard club coupe 7000 miles $2175 1949 Chrysler Winds. Conv. Club 2393 1943 Buick Door Sedan 1693 1948 Dodge 4-Dr Sedan 1497 194S Chrysler Sedan 2-Dr. 1695 1948 Mercury Club Coupe 1450 1048 Oldsmobile Club Coupe 157.

1947 De Soto Conv. 1675 1947 De Soto Club Coupe 1493 1946 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan 905 1946 Ford 4-Dr. 973 1911 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Sedan 573 1940 Plymouth Cub 49.3 1939 LaSalle 4.

Dr. Sedan 1940 Packard 4-Dr. Sedan 473 1939-Chrysler 4-Dr. Sedan 293 1937 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Sedan 193 Many others to choose from: Most of these cars have radio and heaters and carry guarantee.

KELLEHER MIXER OPEN EVES. 464 St. James Ave. Tel. 3-3114 MERCURY 1911 conv.

new top transmission. 800d mechanical cond. 8-1731 any time. NASH 0941 6 CYL, SEDAN- $495 ARTHUR CENTER, INC. 500 COLUMBUS OLDSMOBILE 1940 clb.

coupe. good motor tires, new battery. A-1 cond. Can be seen at cor. Main anytime bet.

8 mn. noon. OUR SUMMER SPECIALS-'48 Buick Super good tires, and H. exc. condition.

black. '47 Chev. 4-dr. sed. exC.

buy; 49' Ford 2 door sedans, Crosley, 13,000 miles: '42 Olds sedanette; '39 Plymouth 2 door '37 Ford town car. New top. new tires. Many more to choose from. All cars guaranteed.

Sarat Motor Sales, Ford Sales and Service. North Agawam. Tel. 3-3902. PLYMOUTH 1917 business coupe.

RETT. Good condition. $873. 2-5834. PONTIAO 1947 CONVERTIBLE COUPE Check the beauty the power the quality and you will know this is your car.

Cream a finish with deluxe equipment. Lifetime Guarantee-Full Price $1375. LEADER CHEVROLET CO. 120 WESTFIELD WEST SPFLD. PLYMOUTH 1941 2-DOOR SEDAN Take advantage of this Economy Package." Nice to look at--nice to drive! And priced at only $075.


3-1115 PLYMOUTH 1936 sedan. Best offer over $73. Call. 7-4911. PACKARD 1950-2 club sedan.

black, 4600 mi. A new car fully equlpped. Must sell reasonable, Tel. Chic. 606R aft.


$1145 500 COLUMBUS A 3-1113 ARTHUR E. CENTER. INC. PONTIAC 1942 club coupe 8 cyl. 'Tel.

Monson 398-3 after 5 m. PLYMOUTH 4 dr. sedan 31,000 mi. Good tires. $1025.

Will take trade. 2-0032. PONTIAC TRADE INS '48 Pontiac Conv. Only 17,000 miles $1745. Ford Club Coupe $945 Ford 2 Door As Is $393 Pontiac 2 Door 1145 '47 Pontiac Door Reconditioned Guaranteed Terms Arranged WARRINER PONTIAC CO.

380 Main St. Tel. 2-6201 PONTIAC 6 CYL. DR. SEDAN $295 ARTHUR E.

CENTER, INC. 500 Columbus Ave. 3-1115 STUDERAKER 1938 SEDAN $95 ARTHUR E. CENTER, INC. 50 COLUMBUS I YOU SAVE $100 TO $200 HERE 1046 Hudson 4-dr.

sedan 1047 Hudson 4-dr. sedan 1948 Hudson 6, 4-dr. sedan 1940 Hudson super 6. sedan like new 1949 Hudson comm. 6, sedan Low Down Payment-24 inde.


B. 8:25 20 10 ply tires--ideal for dump ton 125" W. B. 100 I 20 tires ideal for city delivery 1-ton express 700 16 8 ply tires ideal for any purpose BYRNES STUDEBAKER AGENCY 34 Sumner Ave, (near Longhill) 6-7233 AT BRONSON'S BIG SAVINGS1947 Dodge pickur. $495 1046 Studebaker pickup 550 1915 pickup 695 1941 Chevrolet chassis cab 395 1941 Ford chassis cab 395 1940 Chevrolet cab 375 1939 Dodge dump truck 550 1939 DO Dodge panel 295 78 West St.


B. $143 49 Chev. 1, 1193 '40 Chev. 1 ton 393 "CHASSIS CARS 41 Chev. ton 160" wb wb 445 496 Chevrolet ton 137'' PICKUPS '39 Chev.

ton 395 595 ton Chev, ton 645 SEDAN DELIVERIES 40 Chev, rough 295 Chev. 825 Chev. 945 47 Chev with radio 975 PANELS '38 Chev. 145 38 Ford 195 40 Chev. 395 GMC 495 Dodge (choice of 2) 645 Dodge 725 603 COLUMBUS COR.


CHIC. 280 I CHEVROLET 1944 Dual transmission. 2 ton. Steel body. $450.

777 Boston Rd. 4-8825. 1947 FORT ton rack, like new 1946 CHEVROLET ton panel, spotless 595 1046 STUDEBAKER ton 2-speed rear 168" wheelbase chas. cab. 493 1941 CHEVROLET ton panel, ex.

cl. 325 1940 ton chas. cab 134" wheelbase 225 1938 FORD ton pickup, clean 125 AUTOMOBILE SALES CO. 95-117 LIBERTY ST. OP'P.

R. R. STATION Call 6-7287 for demonstration at your door--No obligation to buy. OPEN 'TIL 9 P. 5 P.

M. AT A. V. REOPELL, INC. 1948 Chevrolet delivery $245 1947 Chevrolet "160" W.

B. 793 1047 Dodge canopy 793 1048 delivery 993 700 STATA 9T. DIAL 7-0251 Used Truck Sales on Hanco*ck St. Just Off State St. CHEVROLET '40 Sedan delivery.

$625. Call Chic. 1082W. CHEVROLET 1935, ton dump truck. $123.

Tel. Chic. 878. 1949 Ford Tun Stake CENTER, FORD TRUCK slightly used 1947 Studebakar ton 893.00 5000 10-ply 1946 Internationul Pickup 1911 International Panel 445.00 All original. el clean Completely Reconditioned 1940 Ford 12-Foot Stake 495.00 Park trick 1940 International Platform 375.00 9-Foot body 1940 Fora Pickup 375.00 Really nite 1035 Chevrolet Pickup 73.00 TRADES TERMS ARTHUR E.


8 wks. old. 2000 miles. Just like new. Good buy.

4-3296. COOn TRUCK BUYS DODGE ton semi-van body, sultaable for furniture and mattress delivery. Good cond. and tires $675 ton, 12 ft. stake body 897 DODGE top express 475 INTERNATIONAL MOTOR CAR CO.

Dodge, Plymouth Dodge Trucks 188 Memoria: W. Tel. 6-1823 INTERNATIONAL PANEL 1941 $395.00 ARTHUR E. CENTER, INC. 500 Columbus Ave.

3-1115 INTERNATIONAL 1948 TON PANEL Sturdy construction, rugged power: with economy, handling ease and convenience. You get all these features in this thoroughly conditioned truck. Lifetime Guarantee--Full price $895 LEADER CHEVROLET CO. 120 WESTFIELD WEST SPFLD. STUDEBAKER 1949 ton stake body in excel.

cond. Call 8-2228 after 6: Call 4-1766. 1916 Diamond No. 509, Fully equip. tractor.

Clean 093. 1917 2 Tons Chevrolet long wb. Chassia Cab. Clean 875. 1947 1 Ton International Milk Delivery.

Clean 835. 1917 International KB-5 15 Ft. Platform. Clean 950 1917 Ton. International Pickup 'Clean 785.

1946 Ton' International Platform Clean 775. 1941 Ton International Panel 2:50. 1947 Chevrolet Boyertown Delivery Clean 950. 1948 International KB-1 Boyertown Delivery. Clean 1100.

All the above trucks have been reconditioned and guaranteed. See us for good truck deal. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. 35 Memorial West Mass. Tel 2-2191 TON GMC Platform Truck, Model CC 303, $300 or trade for smaller truck, J.

C. Cobbs, Amherst. Mass, House TraDers AMERICA'S foremost trailer buy under $2000. It's ft. of trailer coach also combining luxury practicality.

Comfort convenience. Burnett's Trailer Sales, Springfield Westfield 432. BUCKEYE 194S, 25' house trailer, sleeps gas stove. hot water heater. See at Esso station, 32 Boston Rd.

IT'S HERE! IT'S NEW! ITS DIFFERENTI BETTER TRAILER SALES 125 Boston Road, Pine Point. miles from Main toward Boston on Rte. 20. 6-1177. LARGE display of new used trailers, from $650 up.

Terms available. Visit Motfatt Trailer Sales on U. S. Lenox, Mass. Phone Lenox 691.

NEW AND USED COACHES-Schult and Travola (floor heat) parts, service. Mason. 1268 Riverside W. Spfld. 2-5282 HIGGINS Camp Trailers.

Springfield Chris Craft Marine, 470 Main St. 7-2483. WILL EXCHANGE New 5 room house far late model house trailer. After 6 P. m.

4-2035. trailer. Reas. W. Schultz.

Clinton WANTED: To rent buy email house Hotel. Motoreycles and Bicycles 12 BOY'S bicycle, 24 Inch. Good very reas. Call 9 m. 12 noon or after p.

m. Tel. 7-1950. BISMARK--New German 1 lunger, 2-speed transmission. 111 equipped.

533 State St. Tel. 9-5410 GIRL'S ENGLISH, bicycle. Practically new. Reas.

INDIAN CHIEF 1937 New tires battery. $123. Call 7-4911. INDIAN ROADMASTER '47. Windshield, saddle bage, etc.


Call Ludlow 2344 after 3. Auto Accessories 14 BEST LOOKING A auto seat covers in town, all fabrics, all prices. Green Stamps Autocraft Fabrics. Wilcox St. 7-9475.

BUICK factory parts. Wholesale and retail. Orders shipped day received. SPFLD. BUICK 630 Main St 2-4126.

AUTO TRUCK parts, all makes. Aalso genuine Pontiac parts. Garage equipment. GENDEN BROTHERS. 238 MAIN.

AUTO SEAT COVERS--Custom made. Installed while you wait, for any make CAr or car. Made from fiber, sail cloth or twill. Your choice of materials. Price 98 low At $7.20 for coupes.

$12 for Sedan. Auto Body 519 Worthington St. Tel. 3-7887 or 3-7588. Service -Reparing 16 CARS PAINTED $35.

Fenders repaired 89 Union St. Tel, 8-9326. Garages 16A SPRING ST. garage to rent. Easy access $8 mo.

P. O. Rox 676. Wanted Automobiles 17 ANY MAKE or model. Cash for your car.

Forest l'k. Auto Co. 483 Sumner Ave. 'AT. THE ORIGINAL LEO'S" TOP CASIT FOR YOUR CAR 1174 STATE ST.


3-3110 PRIVATE party wants Olds 1940 conv. will pay cash, Tel. 4-8696. WE WANT good clean USED CARS BOWEN MOTORS. 364 Memorial West Springfield.

"Tel. 4-9264. WE'RE NOT FOOLING! MORE CASH for your car than any OTHER dealer, That's our reputation, and we live up to it! MAIN MOTORS. 1069-1071 Main St. 4-5719 YOU CAN be sure to realize twice the tual value of your car at Harry Silverman, 1043 Main.

Corner Park St. BUSINESS SERVICES. Building--Contracting 19 ALTERATIONS carpenter mason work. New or old. Estimates free.

Tel. 8-1048. ALL GENERAL repairing, alterations, additions, roofing, celotex ceilings, papering. painting, inside' and out. Easy payments.

T. R. Cross, 2-4318 or 3-8911. ASPHALT driveway, concrete steps, walks, cellars firs. Tebaldi Bros.

6-7615 or 6-4750. A No. 1 garages. Low cost. Tel.

9-2287. Write Box 275, T'ville, Conn. A-1 CARPENTER. New construction or repairs. Bank credit avail.

Free estimates. 7-4576. ALL KINDS Of cement work done. Free estimates. Call Ohicopee 1838 anytime.

BETTER foundations, floors 88- rages new homes. Tel. 4-4486. JARPENTER-1st class with power tools available now for small jobs. 6-4469.

CHIMNEYS cellar walls, built rebuilt. Tel. 3-6159. FLOORS SANDED refinished. Charlie's Floor Service Tel.


Erected. Or material only. Liberal terms. Free eat. 3-4617.

LOMBARDI ROOFING general roofing. Free estimates. Tel. 6-4754. 2 NEW HOMES general carpentry.

Inside outside. Repairine. remodeling. Free timates Spfld. 3-9813 or Holyoke 3-0976.

anteed. Tel. 9-4189 SINGLE 2 car garages. Complete. Job.

Concrete floor foundation, novelty eiding, Crawford Flitikis overhead door, $550 and up. Tel. 4-4746. $5950 ON YOUR LOT. Large bungalow 32' 24'.

4 rooms, 6 closets, full cellar, steam heat. No painting. Tel. 4-0010. Heating and Plumbing 20 ALL PLUMBING repairs new installation.

Estimates. Vincent Dymak, 3-8736. ANY PLUMBING OR HEATING FREE ESTIMATES. BEAUMIER. 3-8404.

BETTER. job. Call Wm. J. Hyland master plumber, 30 Montrose St.

3-5689. ACTION on Any plumbing job by, master plumber. Complete line of fixture's. Show rm. 3218 Main St 3-5285 FOR A BETTER PLUMBING JOB AT REASONABLE PRICES CALL 2-8402 Electricians 21 EVERYTHING Alec.

Fluorescent ilghting, industrial and residential wiring. D. N. Murphy, 302 8pgfld. Chicopee 1270.

Repairing 22 A-1 Service on refrigerators washers. Low rates. 7-1921. 9-6780. CARPENTRY repairs, all kinds, cabinet screens built to order.

Est. froe. 6-8918. EXPERT REPAIRS on all SEWING CALL MACHINES 25 years with SINGER. F.

S. LEMOINE. Tel. 3-0719. sharpened Precision ground lapped by power, oiled, greased 3-1929 Justed.

$3. F. W. Meyer, 3-1270, LAWN MOWERS sharpened, greased adjusted. Pick -Up ar.d deliver.

Tel. 2-7066 or 8-9515. LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED Power Free pickAl Terrien, 3-9027. REFRIGIRATOR washer, 24 hr. service.

8-1774, RADIO REPAIRS television Installation. Victoria Radio Sound 95 Dwight St. 6-4082. SINGER Repairs, all makes of sewing deliver. maSinger Sewing Center, 1337 Main St.

3-6714 chines. Free estimates. We call rebuilt. Ask for sweeper wepairs. Forbes VACUUM CLEANER--All makes repaired, Wallace 4-1121.

-0 Piano Tuners 22A ANY piano tuned for $2.50. For $23.50 your piano completely rebuilt like new and guaranteed. Price Includes new felts. 2-5835. all materials used workmanship.

Tel. A FACTORY trained piano builder will tune your for $3. Repairing all practical makes, exalso perience. players, Formerly 37 with years Gibbs Plano Co. of M.

Pierce Music Spfld. C. L. L. Kubleck 7-2796 6-3021.

EXPERT TUNING -Upright $3. Grand $4, General repairs, workmanship guaranteed. 30 years exp. G. J.

Elleworth, 3-2538. Painting--Papering 23 A BETTER painting, paperhanging done reasonably, 8-4958. A-1 PAINTING paperhanging. rm. up.

Tel. 2-8937. A-1 outside painting paperhanging. Also general repairs. Tel.

3-3725 or 7-7233. A-1 JOB at reduced prices, work AN EXP. man can solve your painting teed A Also house painting. Tel. 7-2964.

papering problems. Quality work. 2-1287 9-1592. A BETTER CLASS of painting papering Most reasonable price. Tel.


DIAL 6-6037 or 7-8678 for reas. prices on and exterior. plastering. Done by experienced rellable interior painting, paperhanging men. DU MOR painting contractors, first class exterior painting done by two experts.

Lowest estimates are offered now. 7-4363. EXPERT or interior finish cabinets, cellings kitchens. knotty pine attics, 3-9300. EXTERIOR interior painting, paperhang.

ing celotex cellings. Ed Tetrault 2-8387 FOR QUALITY printing paperhanging, reas, prices, insured men, call Vadnais 7-3808 -2-6564 OUTSIDE painting. Call bet. -10-12 m. 9-4440.

SAINTING WALLPAPERING- 6-2442 or Interior 3-7449. exterior. Reas. Reliable. PLASTERING.

painting, paperhanging. City or country. 2-2998. PAINTING and paperhanging. At Moder ate cost.

Tel. 7-5518. -Steeplejack swing staging work. Pointing chimneys buildings. work 30 yrs.

experience. M. C. Kernan, 381 Elm West Spild. 6-5961 or.

call bet. 9 3 2-1854. Moving Trucking--Storage 25 ALL RATES are not the same, For lower rates call Leo Dinan "The Mover" 2-0491. A COMPLETE MOVING SERVICE "PINES TO PALMS" Southern van shipments, and local moving, 24-hour phone service. Cabrini Moving Serve ice.

3-9183, 6-8347. ACROSS the street or across the country. Moving. in packing. storage.

Low rates. Williams, the Mover, 2-1234 COMPLETE TRUCK RENTING SERVICE RENTAL--LEASETRUCK RENTAL CO. 3-1119 FOR SERVICE TO CONN. -RHODE ISLAND- NEW YORK Lawall CITY Albany -Roston-Fall Huck's Transfer, Inc. Since 1880-3-1119 TRUCK LEASING SERVICE.



TEL. 2-2168 EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Female 33 AGGRESSIVE lady for route sales work furcalling on regular customers. Car nished. Must be good driver Call -8060, A Few Good Jobs Open for Experienced girls As Sewing Machine Operators Good Fay Steady Work CHICOPEE UNDERGARMENT CORP. 165 FRONT ST.

CHICOPEE, MASS. YOUNG GIRL to live in. Housework. Help with children. 4-0898.

ATTRACTIVE POSITION for woman betw. 23-40 to work part time as beauty adviser. conducting Peggy Newton make up classes. Earn per wk. Part time use of car required.

For information call Airs. Maxfield 7-8906 betw. 9 A. p. m.

ACME combinations lunch counter girls. Dastry 1165 Main St. APPLY AT ONOE REWING MACHINE STITCHERS EXPERIENCED AND PARTLY EXPERIENCED STEADY WORK 48 HAMPDEN ST. BARTON TAILORING 00. A RECENT IN PSYCHIATRIO REHABILGRADUATE MAY FIND ITATION, Mature young woman with an Interest in people 'and 8 desire to learn, write to Miss Barbara St.

John, 400 WashIngton Hartford. Conn. giving age, training or experience plus special interests. ACCOUNTANT. to take full charge ACCOUNTING CLERK, pay roll experience BOOKKEEPER-CASHIER.

pleasant office CLERK-TYPIST. neat and accurate SECRETARY, one girl office STENOGRAPHER. some dictaphone GAUGH BUSINESS PERSONNEL SERVICE 182 State Street Telephone 7-5507 AT ONCE $35 wk. Comptometer $35. Pay roll, run calculator machine.

Hanley Serv. 215 Dwight St. APPLY exper. waitresses resort hotel, 21- season end Oct. Hanley Serv.

215 Dwight St. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER BOOKKEEPER 43 SECRETARY 38 STENOGRAPHER 3G STENOGRAPHER 33 RAPID TYPIST 35 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR 33 PAY ROLL CLERK COMPTOMETER OPERATOR 35 TYPIST general office 35 NATIONWIDE 145 STATE' ST. 3d FL. A YOUNG woman for secretarial and general office work. Good working conditions salary.

Phone 3-4111 for. app't. good typist alight knowledge of shorthand, Mon! thru Fri. $40 Del week with good opportunity for Advancement. Box 359, Union Office.

COMPANION to invalid lady. Live in. Some lifting. Box 350 Union Office. CLERK-TYPIST single.

One who enjoys meeting people, Box 357 Union Office. CAPABLE girl or woman for general housework. Tanglewood for summer. $15 per week, Box 356. Union Office.


EXPER. HAIRDRESSER ONLY. TEL. 2-0005. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper to take charge of small office.

Excel. pay working cond. Apply In person, Margolis 115 Lyman St. EXPERIENCED saleegirl for full time -employinent. Apply manager, Whalen Drug Store, 1507 Main St.

sales girls for part time and full time. Apply King's Dept Store, 841 State St. at Winchester Square, EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON POWER SEWING MACHINES. GOOD PAY. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS.

APPLY VICTORIA DRESS 84 WILLIAMS ST. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS-21-30 yrs. Knowledge of Jewish style foods Day salary and tips. Tel. 6-8643.

EXPERIENCED stenographer. Good salary, Apply Keystone Plumbing Supply, 275 Chestnut. EXPERIENCED Waitress. Must be dependable. Good pay.

Call 4-3480. FOR DIRECT SALES I excel. Day. State past exper. Re education.

Reply Box 3472 Union Office. FANCY silk pressers or tapper. American Cleaners Dyers 433 Eastern Ave. For Choice Positions Bennett Secretarial Employment Service 1200 Main St. 6th floor.

GIRLS (4) for general laundry work. Exp. not nec. Full salary while learning. 5 day week.

Wells Laundry, 61 Franklin St. GIRL to work in cash carry office. Knowledge of typing. Good working conditione. Apply in person.

Belmont Laundry. 327 Belmont Ave. GIRLS exper. sewing oper. Norman Garment Mig.

2760 Main St. Call in person. GIRLS 21-35 for general factory work. Steady work. Apply Cutler Schermerhorn, 165 Front Chic.

GIRLS WANTED to help at Lion's Club show Thurs. Eve. June 22. Active young women to. help with auto gales tickets.

Attractive commission paid. Inquire at Lion's Headquarters, 139 Bridge st. or call 7-0266. GIRL FOR general hounework at seashore for 8 weeks. Call 2-9678.

HIGH SCHOOL or college girl wanted. mother's helper. Vacation at beach month of July Tel. 4-7795. HAIRDRESSERS -Experienced in exclusive salon.

5 Day week. Steady position. Box Union Office. HAIRDRESSERS (2)-wanted. 5 day week.

position. HAIRDRESSER- Beauty -Experienced Salon, 1214 day Main week. St. MOTHER'S helper. Conn.

beach whole summer. $5 9-6039. MAID--For general housework cooking. Live in. Private rm.

bath. Reference. White preferred. Holyoke 2-7521. MILLINERY SPORTSWEAR--Saleswomen women Steady, part time, Thure, eves.

Sat. Write giving experience. Box 323, Union Office. NURSE R. N.

Graduate for hosp. work. Box 365 Union Office. MERROW sewing machine operators wanted. Must be experienced.

HIGH STARTING RATES Panda-Knit 7 Spild. Chicopee (Old Spalding Building) NURSE practical or registered attendent, to care for bed ridden lady at Conn. beach reference Required. Mr. Edward, 1984 Main St.

SALESGIRL- -Experienced in commissions. ladies dresses Graycoats. Salary plus son's, 1373 Main St. SEVERAL ladies, single, 20-25 yrs. shorthand typing.

Personnel Service, 115 State St. SILK WOOL presser 1 spotter. Earn up to $2 per hour. Full or part time. BonTon Cleaners, 15 Adams St.

-TYPIST between 25 40. Experienced in paper industry desirable. Must be able to take dictation should have experience in use of ediphone or dictaphone. Reference required. Box 3475 Union Office.

SODA fountain position for young lady over 21 yrs. of age. Experience not necessary. See Mr. Loomis.

Liggett Drug Co. 1411 Main St. TWO girls for part time work In lunch cart. Orchard Beach, Pasco I. O.

WOMEN crew managers and saleswomen for national advertised products. Make better than average income. In person apply 500 Enfeld Ville, Conn. WANTED Lady about 40 to care for 3 children. Ages 3-4 5 In exchange for horne salary.

Call after 7 p. m. Holyoke 2-7800. WAITRESS Apply Vernon Shoppe. 53 Vernon St.

WOMAN morns. wk. Vic. White St. Forest Park.

Tel. 6-4338. WOMAN for linen room in boys' summer camp. Simple sewing simple costuming. Tel.

Becket 2441. WAITRESS WANTED for day shift. Must be 21. Good salary, tips meals. Apply in person.

Valley View Restaurant. State Line. Thompsonville, Conn. WAITRESSES CHAMBERMAIDS PASTRY WOMAN A EMPLOYMENT. 1862 MAIN ST.

WANTED exper. good typist for gen. office work. Congenial surroundings, good pay. Valley Mfg.

Co. 369 Birnie Spild. WOMEN- Would you like to earn $5 for to 3 hours? 3 evenings or more week. Apply 442 Chestnut St. 9-12 a.

m. WOMAN aged 23-30 for unusual business. No parties or canvassing. Best bours 5-9 p. m.

Must own operate 8 car have need for as much ag $30 Income in a week. For personal interview Tel. Catherine Bray. East Hampton 985102 before 12 YOUNG GIRL to take care of baby afternoons. Plumtree-Roosevelt vin.

Tel. 8-4419. Male Help- -Salary 33 AMBITIOUS young man with selling ability to work as representative for Spild. territory. Good salary while in training.

salary comm. after training has been completed, transportation furn. Some evening work nec. Excellent opportunity for advancement to managerial position. Apply in person.

Singer Sewing Machine 1337 Main St. AMBITIOUS MAN with some college ground. Car necessary, Age 22 to 29. in sales and sales personnel management career. National concern.

For interview reply Box 3470 Union Office giving short resume. A-1 CARPENTER for framing finish. Small new homes. Tel. 3-4050.

A MAN 55-60 yrs. old for hougecleaning. etc. In rooming house. Mrs.

Field, 68 Temple St. AUTOMOBILE -Metal man. Exp. wanted immed. Steady work.

Good wages. Robinson Auto Body, 131 Bliss St. W. 8. A CLEAN cut, honest dependable young mani to drive light delivery truck In city.

Must have driver's license and good driving record. Wages per. 40 hour week. Students and temporary workers do not apply. Cali in person for interview between 3-5 p.

m. R. G. Shakour 11 Stearns Spfld. AT once.

Exper. head waiter. Summer hotel. Best of ref. 'Hanley Serv.

215 Dwight ATTENTION MEN-3 men wanted to introduce sensational new item. $1 per hour guaranteed plus commission. Excellent opportunity for college men for. summer earnings Free transportation. Anply 9 a.

m. tomorrow ready for work. 177 Chestnut St. AN ESTABLISHED Jack JIll ice 'cream route Immediately open. Must be over 21 with safe driving record good references.

Liberal commission. Apply in person 9-11 m. 1150 State St. rear. AUTOMOBILE mechanic wanted.

Expertenced only. Prince 234 East Main Westfleld. BOY. grocery store, part time, 1123 Dwight St. BARBER wanted.

Steady job. Angelo's Barber Shop, 1897 Main St. BODY MAN for glass replacements, win. dow door adjustments tightening work. Seat cover upholstry exper.

important but not essential. Good income for right man. Apply in person. Balise Motor Sales 603 Columbus Mass. BOY HELPER wanted.

Mill End Shop, 1709 Main St. BARBER- -Mondays off. Must be first claas. Vinny's Shop. 24 Stevens E.

Spfid. BARBER Wanted Part or full time. 2662 Main St. Phone 3-6008 anytime. CARPENTER WANTED, steady work.

Top wages. Blust be good worker, Call 8935. DIE MAKER for folding box company. Must be A-1 exp. man.

Top wages. Out town. Box 366 Union Office. DEMONSTRATOR, average $100 wkly. $50 Car needed.

Box 3460 Union Office. DISHWASHER--Night shift, good salary, in person. Valley View Restaurant, State Line. Conn. EARN BIG MONEY Due to business rapid expansion will hire collectors, verifiers, salesmen, crew managers, party men, and college students.

Sharp men and willing workers only need apply. Inervlews 8 to 10 a. m. A. Gross, 61 Ferry St.

EXPERIENCED tailor-presser. L. Karukin-Taylor 97 Cabot St. Holyoke, Tel. Holyoke 2-1239.

ENGINEER 8d. Class License. For steam heating plant. Spild. Municipal Hosp.

1400 State Tel. 9-2536. EXPERIENCED mechanic wanted at once. Excellent working conditions, good pay. See Willard Nash at 'Kelleher Mixer, 464 St.

James Ave. EXP. building material salesman $3500. Nationwide, 145 State 3d Ar. EXPERIENCED gardener on flowers lawns.

No others need apply. A. M. Locke, Longmeadow Country Club, Mass. EXP.

gasoline station attendant. Apply 1114 State St. for furniture store. Stage age, exp. FURNITURE Finisher set-up man wanted salary, Box 349 Union Office.

FURNITURE SALESMAN-Apply Miller Furniture 1127 Main St. HAND COMPOSITOR experienced and able to to be work'ng supervisor in small plant perform all composing room operations. in upstate New York. Good wages. ply Box 3485 Union Office.

warehouse, opening 4 m. to 1 m. HOW DEE LUNCHEON SERVICE has shift. Age 21-35, strong, dependable with good references. Salary, Apply In person, 1156 State St.

rear. LARGE commercial laundry has an foreman open- in Ing for capable ambitious washing dept. Splendid oppor. for a man who has full knowledge of production, wash room practice ability to handle help, Must have exp. as washrm.

man or supervisor. Box 157, Union Office, JANITOR wanted. Middle age. No children a Apt. Furnished.

Box 329 Union Office. MACHINE repair man. Experienced with knowledge of automatic punch presses and ability to machine parts. 1st shift. Apply, In person.

9 Duckworth Chain 'Belt 369 Plainfield St. MAN wanted- experienced installer of aluminum combination storm windows. Must have truck necessary tools. Write to Box 364 Union Office. MEN crew managers salesmen for national advertised products.

Make better than average income. In person apply 500 Enfield Conn. MEN! Opening in order dept. of national grocery Co. Experience unnecessary.

Your pay will average $1.50 per hour to start. Apply branch store 442 Chestnut 9-11 m. MAN experienced in service station work. Must have knowledge of lubrication, washing, etc. Apply in person to Mayo Bros.

Automotive. 252 Belmont Ave. MAN for generai garage work. Must have experience. None others need apply.

Apply in person to Mayo Bros. Automotive 252 Belmont Ave. PART TIME night mechanic, hourly wages basis, on fieet of Chevrolet trucks. Must be fully qualified in analysis repair. Tel.

6-9827. PRESSERS-Wanted for all round work. Steady, good Day. Gordon Cleaners, 159 Taylor St. ROOFERS -SIDEWALL MECHANICS CARPENTERS Steady work.

Excellent pay. Exp. men only. Apply ready for work. work.

CARTER ROOFING CO. Spfld, between 8-9 mornings. TEACHERS for summer work on national sales campaign. Reply Box 3471 Union not Office giving short history. WANTED young man about 21-25 to learn Al vacuum cleaner business.

Car necessary. Apply Ace Vacuum Stores. 91 State St. WE HAVE AN opening for neat appear 1ng man to assist heating air conditioning engineer. No experience necessary but must be willing to work steady for promotion.

This is an unusual opportunity for right man. Apply in person only--no phone calls. HOLLAND FURNACE CO. 95 TAYLOR ST. Male Help--Salesmen $3A AGGRESSIVE salesmen wanted--two clean cut men with good car to represent SUBURBAN PHILGAS In this ares.

Our salesmen enjoy a permanent company nection with full insurance protection. It you like selling and want a position where ability determines your earnings mission salary). Write Jack Conley SUBURBAN PHILGAS, Windsor. Conn. COMMISSION basis, outstanding interview connection will for men who qualify.

Immediate be arranged with factory official. Call Mr. Louis Siegel, 9 a. noon 2-5 p. In.

at Hotel Kimball. Acorn Refining, Cleveland, Ohio. HEATING plumbing salesman wanted. Good apportunity for the right man. Box 324.

Union Office. SALESMEN--Distributors of nationally advertised and guaranteed products. Expanding force. Needs two men. Married, car, 25 to 45 years old.

Greater to work and learn. Training given. SalThompsonville area. Prefer men willing ary and commission. Write background to Box 3459 Union Office.

SALESMEN (2) National sales organization opening New England branch. Must have outside selling experience. Local territory open. Car necessary. Salary plus commission, plus ex penses.

Write qualifcations. Rox 3469 ion Office. SALESMEN wanted. AAA manufacturer, of paints, varnishes, enamels protector ings has openings for experienced salesmen. SALESMEN: Are you Interested in learning specialty selling? Our salesmen were trained by us.

Exclusive state distributors. We have an opening for another man in local protected territory. Preferably 30- 45 years and. married. Car essential.

Salary and commission. Write Box 3458 Union Office. SALESMAN 25 to 40. Must be experienced In Gordon's men's Army wear. Navy Excellent Store, salary.

1747 Apply Main A SALESMEN We have an opening for couple of live wire salesmen. Earnings better than average. NO CANVASSING LEADS FURNISHED. Car necessary. Experlence not essential.

Apply Ace Vacuum Stores, 91 State St SALESMEN for complete line of aluminum windowa. doors, awnings. Venetian blinds. etc. General Mig 334 ChestUNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY, 2 men onlymust be clean cut, have sales ability.

commission for right man. Car essential. Apply to Mr. Leventhal, Thursday eve. at Hotel Charles bet.

6-9 p. m. Help--Male or Femalo 31 EXPERIENCED short order vegetable cook. Apply in person. 336 Bridge St.

Mr. Smith. FARMER, caretaker. Some tractor Wife laundry some light house work. $10 wk.

Separate 8 rms. furn. apt. Rupplied. Joseph Persky, Brookfield, Mass.

WOOL PRESSER with some exp. Span, 625 Union S. Situations Wanted -Female 36 ROOKKEEPER thoroughly experienced. All ledgers, trial balance, payroll taxes. Manufacturing, assume responsibilities.

Box 348 Union Office. BOOKKEEPER-Cashier. office, full charge. Full or part time. 4-5003.

ELDERLY domestio nurse, excel. ref; for housekeeping companion for elderly gentleman or lady, Box 839, Union Office. EXP. woman wants housework by day, day carfare. Box 358, Union Office.

HIGH SCHOOL girl. Exp, with small children. Wants haby sitting 35c hr. 6-1092. PRACTICAL avallable, Tel.

NURSE 9-5097, Hospital experience 31 PARK SPELD. REGISTERED Pharmacist full for small Drug Store. Box 355 Union Office. SALESMEN--ARE YOU earning over $100 per week? It not, why not? La it the What fault with your product or with will you be earning 1 year from now? We have in Massachusetts salesmen who are earning from $5000. up.

Due to factory increases we can use three more men with cars. If accepted thorough training wlil be given by successful will bring men. This training and hard work you Wednesday, security. 9:00 a. m.

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time. Earn The up to $2 per hour. Full or part Cleaners, 15 Adams St. SHOE SALESMAN- experienced. Apply St.

Mr. Robinson. Carter Shoes, 1680 Main ALES HELP wanted. Virgin field for experienced salesmen in new home in little product, it any with terrific competition. If you have been selling public acceptance or siding.

vacuum cleaners and used to combination windows, roofing, insulation big earnings, but are fed up on been here being told you are the 10th man tha's I'm not interested. Then contact us and see what we have to offer. Good specialty tised salesmen, products. Apply 740 Main West leads furnished on well adver-.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.