Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 15, 2024 (2024)

Restored Republic via a GCR:Update as of April 15, 2024

JudyNote: What’s going on? As I contemplated writing thisUpdate I became very confused and couldn’t figure things out, so decided to justpresent the facts as I see them and let you get confused also.

Thisweekend things were supposed to start happening and evidently, they did: Iran declaredwar on Israel, paving the way for World War III, and then seized an IsraeliCargo Ship full of children being trafficked. Could the war be a cover to savechildren from the Globalist Cabal’s International Child Sex Trafficking Ringrun by the Kahzarian Mafia Zionists?

TheGlobalist Cabal were actually trying to instigate World War IIIfor monetary gain (they make big bucks off of both sides of a war), plus theywould use attacks on their Kahazarian Zionist’s Israel as a cover for theimploding fiat Global Financial System (they’ve spent all our gold).

TheWhite Hats say this was a False Flag World War III togive them an excuse to activate Martial Law worldwide so they can bring inNESARA/GESARA and the Global Currency Reset. Sounds good to me.

OnSun. 14 April the White Hat Intel indicated a need forMartial Law, which may have already occurred since after Fox News reported aSting Operation that proved Ballot Harvesting fraud in the 2020 Election, theBiden Crime family was said to have been arrested and sent to GITMO forMilitary Tribunals – which may or may not be true because it was myunderstanding from the below article I wrote in 2021 that the real Joe Biden was already taken care of long beforehis fake so-called Inauguration. May 102021: Biden, Harris, Milley Charged With Treason, Tribunals at White House,Mass Arrests, Martial Law

Oneway or the other, it’s about time someone dealt with the Biden Crime Family. Bidenhas been involved in Child Sex Trafficking as well as other treasonous acts,for some time. Although, you’d never know it from reports of the Fake NewsMainstream Media. My info says differently: Thousands of Children Rescued,Mutilated Bodies Recovered, from Biden-owned Ukraine Property Containing US RunBio-Weapon Labs

Sowho are they sending to GITMO? The actors who have beenplaying Biden during his fake presidency? Or, Biden’s clones?

JFKJr, who was also supposed to be dead, but in reality has beenrunning the Q Movement from the very beginning, plus serving as Trump’s VP,said on his new Telegram Channel the 17th Letter, that Trump willaddress the Nation as Commander in Chief on Mon. afternoon 15 April, where he would announce that America nowceases to exist.

That’sa pretty big announcement for JFK Jr. to make since he is supposedly dead.And, quite a statement for Trump to make because he has another court battle toface on fake charges that begins on that same Mon. 15 April. I mean, can Trump be two places at once? Maybe. Afterall, Biden is.

TheDems are throwing a lot of fake charges on Trumphoping one will stick so he’s arrested and can’t run for president. But then,they really shouldn’t bother because Trump is already Commander in Chief andhis fake president opponent Biden, clones and actors have evidently made theirway to GITMO. So, why bother?

Allof which is rather overwhelming, although nonetheless overshadowed,by Commander-in-Chief Trump’s warning that America would cease to exist by Mon. afternoon 15 April.

Now,you go figure it out because I can’t.

·Sat.13 April Iran Raids and Successfully Seizes Israeli-linked Container Ship FullOf Children Being Trafficked.

·Sat.13 April ALERT: An urgent presidential message fromPresident Trump: In 48 hours America will cease to exist! Trump to address theNation as Commander in Chief. …17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram 1: 16 pm EST Sat. 13 April 2024

·WhiteHats Intel: CASTLE ROCK = Greatest Chess Move of alltime. You know how in WW1 & 2 the military had jurisdiction. They alsocould place people in ranks & positions as they see fit. Well this needs to be WW3 Activation to beable to finish this off and move us into the Golden Age.

·PatriotsDay Mon. 15 April 2024: Fox News Reports that a StingOperation has uncovered Ballot Harvesting Fraud in the 2020 Election. BidenCrime Family being arrested, sent to GITMO for Military Tribunals! THIS ISEXACTLY at the end of the 4th Week that President Trump talkedabout!

·Sun.14 April 2024:When you can be indicted for sayingthere’s Election Fraud, there’s Election Fraud.”…President Trump on Telegram

·LESSTHAN 24 HOURS UNTIL THE GRAND REVEAL! Gear up... Readyyourselves... Summon everyone within your circles!!! The evidence is ready tobe released and posted in this channel as soon we get enough messengers inhere. EVERY LIE WILL BE EXPOSED. …Trump Nation on Telegram 1:16 pm EST Sat. 13 April 2024

·BigWhite Swan Event Coming. Be Prepared, For Good. Soon …17thLetter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Sat. 13April 2024

·ALERT!Turn Notifications On. The World is Ready. The Stage is Set …Mr.Pool on Telegram Sat. 13 April 2024

·TheEnormity of What is Coming Will Shock the World.…CIA Spying Secrets on Telegram Sat. 13April 2024

·Sat.13 April Iran raids and successfully seizes Israeli-linkedcontainer ship full of Children being trafficked.

·PresidentTrump’s brother-in-law is Vice President JFK Jr. …17thLetter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Sun. 14April 2024

·DearFriends, We find ourselves at a critical point oftransformation, where our mutual trust and belief in one another are more vitalthan ever. I am truly grateful for your support and trust that you feel myconfidence in you too. At this important time, I am reaching out to ask foryour assistance in expanding our community. Please share this channel with asmany as you can. It is essential that we bring together a broader audience todiscover and grasp the truths that lead us. With respect,

Judy Note Correction on Zim BondRedemption:Thanks to BeckySubrahmanyam and MarkZ I have learned that this statement I made in pastreports is not true:"Zimbabwehasannouncedtheir gold-backedcurrencyand theirbondsmust be redeemed byTues.30 April 2024." There are three kinds of Zimmoney: 2008-2009 Zim Bonds, Zim fiat money and the new asset-backed Zig. MarkZexplained: “The Zim fiat money must be redeemed by Tues. 30 April 2024 for the new Zig. The time limitation hasnothing to do with 2008-2009 Trillion Series Zim Bonds that we hope to exchangefor USN. The gold/asset backed currency is the new Zig currency and it does notneed to be redeemed. Only the Zim fiat money needs to be redeemed by Tues. 30 April 2024.” I apologize forany misunderstanding this may have caused. …Judy

A.Timing of Global Currency Reset:

·Mon. 15 April is the Green Light for the GlobalCurrency Reset according to MarkZ, Texas Snake, Wolverine, TNT Tony, Bruce.

·“A video made by a member for The Chosen Ones will be played first; then the Trumpets ofFreedom representing the trumpets blown by the Jews when they were liberatedfrom slavery – when Joshua blew the horn, and then at the end of these – willbe THE OPERA. This will be sent out to millions of people.” …Wolverine

·Sat.13 April Wolverine on the latest news from Rod Steel:“My friend spoke with Patriot Rod Steel today and confirmed that he spoke tosome title agents and they received funds. I'm told the paperwork has just beencompleted and the Admiral will release everything on Monday 15 April. The Iraqi government will release the new 'lowerdenomination' banknotes this weekand then publish the new Dinar exchange rate (4+) which will be published inthe Official Gazette on Sunday 14 April andthen move to FOREX next Monday. Myvery close friend reviewed this information with two other contacts – someone veryclose to the Admiral, who works with him daily. And the second gentleman isvery close to those on Bond's side who are regularly privy to the details. Bothare also in line with Rod's news, which is extremely encouraging. We also knowthat Mark is hearing similar stories.” Morefrom Ginger: “I can't give details because I'm sworn to secrecy, but I cansay that the documents were signed by people we know AND others heard good newsfrom their group leaders on the T3 Bond side. I personally don't know anyone inT3 who has liquid funds to spend so far, but I'm very happy with all the newswe're getting. I am firm and stable, being optimistic.”

·Sun.14 April Texas Snake: “Should be interesting what occurs in DCthis coming week with the Premiervisiting Biden, rumors are to watch Tues.16 April with a publication in the Gazette, which is their Wed. 17 April. …Am hearing thisis possibly the most positive week we have are will have since this journeybegan. …Banker is most hopeful he will hear something tomorrow or Tuesday atthe latest.”

·On Sat. 13 April Iraqi Prime Minister Sudani and his delegationarrived in Washington DC. The delegation included a few plane loads of 964 people:his entire cabinet, Oil Minister and his delegation, Finance Minister and herdelegation, CBI and Alaq’s delegation and military personnel. The Stock Marketis down for EID from the 9th till the 13th.

·Sat.13 April: Our New Currency Under the Quantum Financial System –Gold Backed Digital Currency (The New US Dollar )

·Fri.12 April: Trump’s BRICS Bombshell: USA Joins BRICS, Ushering ina New Era of Global Finance with Thunderous Impact and Historic Significance –Trump’s Vision for America: Trust the Plan!

B.Global Financial Crisis:

·JUSTIN:$130 million liquidated from the crypto market after Iran launched an attack onIsrael.

·Teslacars planning mass layoff.

C.Judy Note: Thepresent fiat Global Financial System has long been falling off the edge, whilethe World now sat on the brink of (a fake) World War III Scenario.

I am no expert on financial matters, but it is myunderstanding that a new Quantum Financial System (QFS) was already set up onover 500 Star link Satellites floating above us across the Globe. Your individualbank account has been mirrored onto that new QFS.

Those accounts will become active with the GlobalCurrency Reset – which was in the process of being completed right now.

Everyone in every nation will need to go into aRedemption Center to be set up on their individual Quantum Account. Thoseaccounts are formed using your own body vibrations and work only on your ownspecial Quantum phones and Quantum computers – such of which will be suppliedto you. Banks will no longer have access to your money, only you.

The Stock Market was failing and would not beavailable on the new system. When the Stock Market went down, it would staydown.

The above was in my opinion only. …Judy

D.Sat. 13 April Quantum Financial System, Trump Advice on Telegram:

·Operatescompletely independently from the existing “centralized”banking and ends the “Central Banking System” that perpetuates “Debt Slavery”around the world.

·Eventhough it is the ultimate in design, reliability, securityand safety, the roll-out process will occur over time.

·QFSoperates on a Distributed Ledger Technology. It is NOT cryptocurrency or Blockchain technology.

·QuantumQubits “interact” withevery financial transaction anywhere in the world of finance to ensure thateach transaction is legal, owner-intended and transparent.

·SinceCentral Banks do not have the ability to “reconcile” old FIAT(paper) money into the new QFS system, all fractional reserve banking andcentral banking activities will cease.

·Everysovereign currency and every bank represents a separateLedger in QFS.

·Dataon all account holders, at all banks, in all 209participating countries was downloaded into QFS in March 2017 and serves as a“Distributed Ledger”.

·QFSis designed for and ready to convert ALL bank accountsdenominated in any Fiat currency anywhere in the world into a localasset-backed currency.

·QFSpings the originating Fiat currency bank accountto ensure it is still valid, active, and operational at the time the exchangeof fiat currency for asset-backed currency takes effect.

·Afterthe successful ping of a local bank account, the fiatcurrency holdings are converted into the new local asset-backed currency on a1:1 basis.

E.Wars and Rumors of Wars WW3 RED ALERT:

·Sun.14 April Global Elite Cartel Launches WW3 To Mask Global Financial Collapse:

·Sun.14 April Biden made it clear toNetanyahu that US will not participate in offensive operations againstIran, US official says:

·Formerintelligence officer and author of 'Behold a Pale Horse', William Cooper,speaking in 1992: "Israel was created as the instrumentto bring about... a war that will be so terrible, where nuclear weapons will beused, so that [people] will get down on their knees and beg for no more war. Andwhat is the answer to that? They're going to be told the only way we canguarantee no more war is if we destroy the sovereignty of nations, and we cometogether as one humanity in a one world government."

·Rumorsare Circulating that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuhas secretly evacuated Israel out of fear as Iran begins a massive Attack

·Sat.13 April Iran is preparing 100 cruise missilesfor a possible Israeli strike - ABC Network.

·Sat.13 April: BREAKING NEWS!!! BOMBSHELL!!! Armageddon… As ISRAELand IRAN Stand on the Brink of TOTAL WAR | Redacted with Clayton Morris Video

·Sat.13 April Iran Expected to Attack Israel This Week:

·Sat.13 April Al Arabiya reports that container ship MSC ARIESwas taken over by Iranian forces in the Strait of Hormuz. The ship, flying theflag of Portugal, is apparently managed by Zodiac Maritime, a company owned byIsraeli billionaire Eyal Ofer.

·Sat.13 April BREAKING: Israel shuts down schools nationwide,puts military on full alert amid Iran threat and limits gathering to 1000people.

·Sun.14 April BREAKING: Iran closes airspace over Tehran, exceptmilitary and emergency aircraft.

·Sun.14 April BREAKING: Iran has launched an attack againstIsrael using dozens of drones.

·Sun.14 April JUST IN - Iran launches missiles towards Israel.Jordan declares state of emergency. Iran, Israel, Jordan, and Egypt closingtheir airspace.

·Sun.14 April BREAKING: Huge explosions reported in Tehran, Iran.CBKNEWS.

·Sun.14 April BREAKING: Jordan temporarily closes airspace forall arriving and departing aircraft, reports Al Mayadeen.

·Sun.14 April TONIGHT: Israel will suspend all educationalactivities, limit gatherings to 1000 people starting at 11pm local.

·Sun.14 April Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant: “We are closelymonitoring a planned attack by Iran and its proxies against the State ofIsrael.

·Sun.14 April BREAKING: U.S. issues travel warning for Israel;Iran attack believed to be imminent officials tell CBS News.


·Sun.14 April JUST IN Iranlaunches cruise missiles towards Israel. Iran, Israel, Jordan, and Egyptreportedly closing their airspace. IRGC has named the operation against Israel"True Promise." Iran's Supreme Leader Khamenei posts that Israel"will be punished" on Elon Musk's platform X. U.S. believes Iran tolaunch up to 500 drones and missiles from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, andYemen.

·Sun.14 April BREAKING: TheU.S. Embassy in Israel has directed all U.S. government employees and theirfamily members to shelter in place until further notice due to incoming droneand missile attack from Iran.

·Sun.14 April: The FrenchMinistry of Foreign Affairs called on its citizens to leave Iran due to theworsening situation in the Middle East. The diplomatic service also recommendedthat the French who remain in Iran exercise extreme caution and avoid crowdedplaces.

·Sun.14 April @GeneralMCNews: TheUS has dispatched theUSS Bataan and 2,500 Marines into the Eastern Mediterranean.

·Sun.14 April Philippines, US and allies join show of forcein South China Sea | American Military News.

F.Planes, Trains, Ships Grounded:

·Sat.13 April KLM STOPS FLIGHTS OVER IRAN AND MOST OF ISRAEL.They announced the decision would take effect immediately “as a precaution”after receiving warnings that an Iranian attack on Israel was imminent. Theywill still fly to Tel Aviv; however, they are “continually reviewing andassessing the situation.”

·Over26 barges break loose heading down the Ohio River and shuttingdown multiple bridges, including the McKees Rocks Bridge in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania, and halted all traffic due to this incident.

·Severalleading airlines have cancelled flights to Iran and restrictedits use of Israeli and Iranian airspace amid rapidly escalating tensions aswider Middle-East war looms.

·MiddleEastern countries Airspace which have been closed down: 1)Iran, 2) Israel, 3) Jordan, 4) Iraq, 5) Yemen, 6) Syria (suspected).

·Irancancels all flights at the airports in Tehran, Shiraz,Isfahan, Bushehr, Sanandaj and Rabad until tomorrow at 06:00 am.

G.Restored Republic:


·RealNews for Real Patriots from the Judy Byington Report—Part 40 | Ellis WashingtonReport “Tens ofmillions of Americans could be thrown into a Summer of Hell as a megadrought, heat waves, and reduced power generation could trigger widespreadrolling electricity blackouts from the Great Lakes to the West Coast, accordingto Bloomberg, citing a new report from the North American Electric ReliabilityCorporation (NERC), a regulatory body that manages grid stability.

·Sun.14 April The Event, X22 Report, Ben Fulford: The Event –Secret Military Operation Targets 34 Strategic Locations in an Imminent GlobalBlackout – EBS Activation for a Biblical Event Designed to Free Humanity!

·“Thisand other False Flag (e.g., man-made catastrophes) have and will continue to beunleashed upon the American people. Why? Because Since Feb. 2017the Deep State have no longer been in control of world events and ubiquitousnarratives, thus over the past 6 years even in the so-called 2-year rule ofResident Joe Biden, the Democrat Socialist Party, who is a puppet of the DeepState, has literally not controlled the shots, but have been forced into aweaken position of Reaction—Retrenchment—Regression.

·Whois in control of World Events? Answer – President Donald J. Trump,who has for the past 6 years performed on a grand scale aLARP(= Live Action Role Play)in which he allowed ResidentBiden and the Deep State to steal the election he had completely monitored andgathered all incriminating evidence against the perpetrators of Treason so thatthe Deep State would think that they were in power when, in reality, it isTrump and the Military White Hat Alliance that has the real power. They willsoon make the ultimate power move to bring down the evil Deep State Satanic NewWorld Order like the Tower of Sauron in the movie, Lord of the Rings.

H.Sun. 14 April Ben Fulford Report on The Event: It is Biblical

·Thereis going to be a BIG Biblical Scenario where they make out it'sWW3 but really they are activating Militaries then bombing all of these SatanicLuceriferian landmarks. Enacting GESARA funds and We The People rebuild.

·Whatare some of the Very BIG Satanic Illuminati landmarks in the world?Q showed us them: Vatican, Buckinghan Palace, White House x 2 (USA, Germany),3GD in China. CERN on the Swiss/French Border possible. Big Pharma in Wuhan =Israel, Israel/Khazarians controls CCP, the Media etc, 34 Satanic Buildings andDams will Fall. Rods of God/DEW, WORLDWIDE Planes & Trains grounded, Lights/Powerswitched off changing over to Tesla Free energy, Bitcoin Servers/Data Centerhit and turned off for good. 99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins. Enter ISO20022Coins backed by Precious Metals.

·WW3Scare Event. Nuke Sirens, Water Event, Stock MarketCrash, Global Martial Law, CASTLE ROCK -Scenario Julian Assange, QuantumSystems. Project Odin Switched on, Nesara/Gesara/RV, Election Flipping viaMilitary Courts – FISA, Military Tribunals/ confessions/ 10 day movie - 3 × 8hr sessions.

·10countries will be running EBS to cover the wholeWorld, Reveals, Inauguration

·TheISRAELI MOSSAD control the WORLD's MEDIA out of the US. ProjectOdin as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz is a POWERFUL Anti-Deplatforming Tool.

·ProjectOdin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systemsare to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal's reach.

·Q2337tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed.Think people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites.

·Israeliintelligence - stand down. Media assets will be removed.

·Thispart of 2527 tells you that something powerful is going to knock out MossadMedia Satellites. This will blackout the media worldwide,Switch us over to the Quantum Systems. This is PROJECT ODIN. All in All givethe reason to Activate the Military EBS.

·Ifyou look up the TURKSAT Rocket that launched from theUSA in January you will see it was specifically for MILITARY COMMS to peoplesTV's & RADIO's in AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE & CENTRAL ASIA.

·THEEVENT has many facets too it.

·TheWorld Wide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy.Knocking out Media Satellites, QFS, Rods of God on Dams & 34 Buildings& much much more.

·34Buildings will be in the EVENT. They are very significantie Whitehouse, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, PlayboyMansion and the like.

·Thiswill surely make the Stock Market collapse as will PrecisionCyber linked to Executive Orders 13818 & 13848. It is all a show.

·Swappingfrom Rothschild's Central Bank Notes to Rainbow TreasuryNotes now backed by Precious Metals (Not Oil/Wars)

·Arewe still comfy? Or are we scared? A little bit of both isnormal. Trump keeps his promises. Have faith in the Lord Our God. He willcomfort you through the storm.

·Whosaw in January up to 10 countries at once have their power all turned off bythe Space Force? Just before that Israel had that happenfor 30 mins too. If they can turn 10 at once off all together. They can do thewhole lot. Welcome to Tesla. BLACKOUT NECESSARY.

·Havea look at all the Global Military "Exercises"now being put in place.

·It’sall happening in front of you. It's the largest GLOBALMILITARY Operation in Planet Earths History. Transition to Gesara/Greatness.

·Nowthey just have to play out a fake WW3 Scenarioto ring sirens in every National Military Command Center.

·Thisis to justify to the Whole Entire Planet many things that havebeen taking place already. The fact that Gesara Military Law has been in place.The Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions etc. The executions the lot. Andlike all militaries normally do they will help build new things.

I.The Real News for Sun. 14 April 2024:

·BreakingNews: White Hats Ignite Exposé of Elite Illuminati SatanicIndustry Saga, Exposing Epstein, CIA Deep State Ops, and Military Alliance’sWarning!

·Caller:"Youare going after some of the largest entities that exist... [If we elect you],are you going to live? Are they going to come after you?" RFK Jr: "There's a lot worsethings than dying, and one of those things is living like a slave, or havingour children lose all the freedoms that so many generations of Americans diedto give us and to protect. We have to be willing, our generation, to makesacrifices to make sure that we don't lose them. And we've seen unprecedentedattacks on our freedom of speech, on our freedom of worship, on all of theamendments of the Constitution over the past three years... And it's importantfor everybody to stand up and say 'we're not going to do this', even if there'ssome risks involved—reputational risks, salary risks—we need to make sacrificesfor our country."

·Fri.12 April Catherine Herridge slammed CBS News for seizing herfiles upon her termination: “When the network of Walter Cronkite seizes your reportingfiles, including confidential source information, that is an attack oninvestigative journalism.”


·Sat.13 April: Join Me on Another Red Pill Journey: EA – Militaryand Government, DUMBs, EverGreen, Pentagon, CIA, Biden Admin, Panic in DC, QDrops, RV/GCR Banks, QFS, NATO, UN, Obama, DS Operations of the Cabal – EnjoyThe Show!

·Sat.13 April: BOOM! DISCLOSURE (Declassified & Authorized): TheTruth About Julian Assange & Wikileaks – Julian is Fine – Was a US Mil.Intel. Op – Busted the 2016 Clinton Elections Coup d’Etat . . .

·Sat.13 April: St. Malachy’s Prophecy About Pope Francis: A900-year-old Prophecy Claims that Francis Will be the Last Pope, “The Pope ofthe Apocalypse.” End-Time Prophecy of the Popes

·Irancould attack Israel at any moment. Iran warns of attacks onUS Targets. US, Zionists behind years of unwarranted attacks on Israelicitizens in planned attempts to begin World War III.

·HelloEveryone, Do you recognize me? My name is John.Some of you may know me as John F. Kennedy Jr. I spent most of my life inhiding. I did it to protect my family, my friends, the people and the world. Inthe upcoming months I will reveal something that will change a lot of thingsand make this world a BETTER PLACE for EVERYBODY! Who wanted me DEAD? Who triedto ASSASSINATE me? Who died in the plane accident? Who helped me get away? Whogave me shelter? Who SAVED MY LIFE? All of this is bigger than you think. Overthe years I had enough time to gather information on everything and everyone.Soon, I will publish everything. You will not believe your eyes when all ofthis information comes out. Join my channel and share it with the people youknow and care about. Everybody needs to SEE and HEAR this. I will go LIVE toEXPLAIN and EXPOSE EVERYTHING and EVERYONE! 10 DAYS REMAINING!

·Sat.13 April Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: GreenLight Has Been Given by President Trump! Mass Arrests! Global Military AllianceActive! Special Intel Report 4/13/24

·Sun.14 April Congress: It didn’t take very long for theestablishment to start demanding more money for Israel and Ukraine (so they canmoney launder it back to themselves). Regardless of the situation, anywhere onthe globe, the Swamp’s solution is ALWAYS more of our money. We are laborslaves for the global war machine. Nothing more.

J. InternationalChild Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of theVatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel thatruns between the Vatican and Jerusalem:

·Jan.6 2024 The Leaked Document: Pope Francis’ Complicity Exposed– Deep Dives Into the Vatican Child Trafficking Scandal

·Inthe space of five years, they went from legalizing gaymarriage to convincing half of the West that prepubescent children should beallowed to undergo irreversible, experimental sex-change therapy and surgery,without parental consent. …X Files on Telegram Sat. 13 April 2024

·Fri.12 April: Breaking the Silence: Revealing the ShockingDocumentary Unveiling the Deep-rooted Pedophilia Epidemic: Exposing theCompromised Reality of Powerful Politicians Caught in the Web of Pedo Blackmail

K. Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

·RFKJr. describes how Bill Gates uses the smokescreen of "philanthropy"to accrue vast personal profits: "He gets taxdeductions for giving money to the WHO, he gains control of the WHO. The WHOfinances the health ministries in virtually every country in Africa, so he cansay, as a condition of getting that money—this is what the WHO does—you have toshow that you vaccinated a certain percentage of your population. And thevaccines that they're buying are owned by companies that Gates owns. At theend, the punch line on almost all of his philanthropic projects is that he endsup making money."

·COVIDVaccines have caused at least 14,000% increase in CancerCases in the USA according to CDC – The Expose

·OnMay 11, 1987, The London Times, one of the world's most respected newspapers,published an explosive article entitled, "Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDSvirus." The story suggested the smallpoxeradication vaccine program sponsored by the WHO (World Health Organization)was responsible for unleashing AIDS in Africa. Almost 100 million Africansliving in central Africa were inoculated by the WHO (World Health Organization).The vaccine was held responsible for awakening a "dormant" AIDS virusinfection on the continent. An advisor to the WHO admitted, "Now I believethe smallpox vaccine theory is the explanation for the explosion of AIDS."Robert Gallo, M,D., the co-discoverer of HIV, told The Times, "The linkbetween the WHO program and the epidemic is an interesting and importanthypothesis.

·A1974 documentary by G. Edward Griffin explained the hypothesis that cancer is a"deficiency disease" that is brought about bythe absence of Nitrilocides from Vitamin B-17 in people's diets, and it showsevidence that a related medical treatment known as Laetrile is able to oftencure cancers that have already started. Various issues are discussed includingan explanation of the theory, evidence of the treatment being effectiveincluding case histories, and an explanation of ulterior motives causing themedical establishment to inappropriately be opposed to such treatment.

·Anew study claims that 17 million people died globally becauseof Covid vaccinations.

·Vaccinerisks MMR HepB linked to autism, psychosis, CFS, Lupus:"Ifthey gave the MMR to blacks under the age of three, they had four fold morechance of being diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, OCD, Psychosis. MECFS, Lupus,those things are girls, and they get it at puberty. And MECFS is MyalgicEncephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. And of course, that started allthe way back in the 70s. During the first AIDS Plandemic. My PhD was defended aweek after, November 14 1991. I defended my PhD in Washington, DC at GWU, that said HIV doesn't cause AIDS, if you keepyour innate immune system. There is an HIV but it was injected in the hepatitisB vaccine."

·WHOinjected Africans with over 50 million smallpox vaccines and on May 11, 1987,an article under this heading was published in the British The Times: "Thesmallpox vaccine caused a wave of infections with the AIDS virus."

·Sun.14 April Florida Surgeon General: “Discovery billionsfragments of DNA in every dose” - The masses are going to be severely pi$$edoff when they finally find out what they’ve injected themselves with numeroustimes. Holy Crap-Balls - even MSM are now discussing the toxic shots.

L. Illuminati GlobalistDeep State Cabal Agenda 2030:

·Okjust one more on these morons. NBC’s Berkeley Lovelace wrote an articleyesterday about how the CDC “debunked widespread misinformation” re: thevaccine and cardiac arrest in young people. Only one problem- Berkeley Lovelace himself spread this very “widespread misinformation” justlast year. Sudden cardiac arrest is a complication of myocarditis, which isexactly what Lovelace reported on in young people last May.These people are sostupid.

·Queenof Insider Trading Nancy Pelosi Has Net Worth of Over$150MN While Making an Annual Salary of £223,500 in Congress.

·FormerBlackrock portfolio manager, Ed Dowd, explained why every last remnant of humanfreedom depended on widespread rejection of the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC):"Once the Central Bank Digital Currency is linked to all your credit cardsand bank accounts, then social controls can be implemented. If you're adissenter like me, talking about truth, they shut you down. It is literally aprison planet."

·CurrentCIA/Former FBI agent describes seizing Russian oligarch’s yacht.“Becausewe could. No need for it. We just did it. It was there…We seize all kinds ofother countries, people we don’t like, we seize all kinds of s**t…Becauseeverything’s based on the US dollar.”

·96food plants in the United States have been destroyed since Joe Biden assumedoffice, whether due to fires, explosions, or unexplainedclosures. Mainstream media has stated there is no evidence to suggest that anyof these fires were premeditated in an effort to create a food shortage.

·SoThe ATF Follows Law Abiding Americans Home From Gun Shows But They’re AllowingIllegal Immigrants To Purchase & Carry Guns Now. “Myhusband owns a gun shop, and he just called me to tell me that the ATF has madeupdates to their background check policy. And effective today, they give anexemption to illegal immigrants to be able to purchase firearms. Now thisstrangely coincides with, uh, California, New York, and Chicago making it legalfor illegals to be police officers. Tell me our government isn't about to pullsome shenanigans, without telling me our government's about to pull someshenanigans.”

M.Oil Crisis Alert: The Straights of Hormuz will likely be shut down by Iran.

·Thecosts of Fuel will skyrocket and there will beshortages not only in the Middle East but across the West. If Iran were to shutdown the Strait of Hormuz, it would likely have significant global repercussions,particularly for the oil market.

·Thisnarrow passage is one of the world's most crucial maritime chokepoints,through which about a fifth of global petroleum consumption passes.

·Closureof the strait could disrupt oil shipments from majorproducers like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Iraq, leading to a sharp increase inoil prices worldwide. Such an event would also trigger economic uncertainty andcould provoke a strong military and diplomatic response from countriesdependent on these oil routes, including the United States and other Westernnations.

·Moreover,the closure could heighten geopolitical tensionsin the Middle East, potentially leading to conflicts and further instability inthe region.

O.Sun. 14 April White Hat Intel:

·Iranunder the control of Pahlavi, kills military generalsand leaders and begins purging the government and brings in censorship of themedia and education system. The corruption of Pahlavi last over a decade tillthe country goes into revolt against the Pahlavi and his obvious treacherousagenda operations being forced by Western governments and military intelligenceagencies.

·Soonafter the revolt the Iranians Install Ayatollah Khomeinias their leader and he turned Iran into a Islamic Republic and since then Iranhad long known the United States stole their oil, with CIA operations with mi6and British powers that caused civil wars through their country and hugemassive civil unrest for decades with millions being arrested persecuted andkilled, all because of Western powers wanting Iranian oil.

·Thisis an important reminder why Iran hates the U.S. And Westerncountries.

·Trumpknows very well all the atrocities the United States andCIA created through the world and pain and suffering the deep state has createdthrough oil wars and colours revolution (CIA coups).

·Thisis the reason why Trump didn't start any wars and wants toend all WARS. He knows a great TRUTH of what happened globally with globalistagendas.

·Thiswhy Trump says he is the only one who can stop WW3.

·Behindthe scenes there are important back CHANNELS between U S.Military white HATS and Iran Mil.

·Youmust understand Iran is also cleaning their SWAP and over 75years of CIA/ MI6/ Mossad/ Globalist INFESTATION into their country that iscausing chaos.

·Allcountries are seeking peace. But the CABAL deep state wants warto hide their crimes against humanity and want the wealth of the countries.

·Thereare powerful plans for WORLD peace coming with Trump backin office after the 2024 SCARE NECESSARY EVENT TO HAPPEN.

·Wesend condolences to all the family's who lost their lovedones in the Middle East WARS. We are pained by the loss of U.S. military soldierslives lost recently in the Middle East.

·Keepfaith world Patriots as we ride Storm into the 2025 Presidencyof Donald J. Trump and Military Alliance operations to bring down the [ DS] CIAregimen controlled by the globalist.

P.Sat. 13 April White Hat Intel: Military Coup against TRUMP

·Softpublic disclosure begins as Trump is arrested, Trump raid (FBI,CIA, Biden collusion), RUSSIA GATE exposed. TWITTER files expose suppression ofHunter laptop due to 2020 elections.

·PUBLICLYEx-CIA chief spills on how he got spies to write falseHunter Biden laptop letter to ‘help Biden.’

·JoeBiden’s presidential campaign prompted former actingCIA Director Mike Morell to “help Biden” by organizing 50 colleagues to sign aletter in October 2020 falsely claiming that damning emails from Hunter Biden’slaptop published by The Post were Russian disinformation.

·Inprivate sworn testimony, Morell told the House JudiciaryCommittee that Antony Blinken, now secretary of state, was the senior campaign officialwho reached out to him “on or before”Oct. 17, 2020, three days after The Post published an email from the laptopsuggesting Hunter had introduced his Ukrainian business partner to his father,then-Vice President Biden.

·Morell,identified as a potential CIA director under Biden,said he organized the letter to “help Vice President Biden … “because I wantedhim to win the election.”

·Thisadmission from CIA Director Mike Morell to “help Biden” win theelections in directly connected to a DEEP STATE MILITARY COUP AGAINST TRUMP andthis story is only beginning as Congress will connect Biden laptop Biden familydealings. Biden /Obama/ Clinton's/CIA, etc Deep State military coup aginst asitting President> TRUMP.

·Asthe beginning stages of MILITARY [DS] COUP AGAINST TRUMPis being publicly presented and congress is in possession of the Hunter Bidenlaptop contents and WHISTLEBLOWERS AND MAJOR EVIDENCE IS COMING FORWARD on theMILITARY COUP (STOLEN ELECTIONS. RUSSIA GATE, ARREST OF TRUMP), a WEAPONIZEDCIA FBI DOJ Deep State Infrastructure unfolds publicly... And CIA BIDENCONNECTION TO UKRAINE WAR, MONEY LAUNDERING, HUMAN TRAFFICKING unfolds.

·Inthe mean time MAJOR PANIC is taking place inside the PENTAGONas A.I. WARS is happening and white hats A.I. SYSTEMS ARE ATTACKING THE CIA AI. WALLS and a complete INFORMATION BLACKOUT IS HAPPENING.

·MajorPanic in DC as [they] try to control REAL LEAKS frombeing EXPOSED.



·MAJORPANIC as the Deep State has FAILED to get the Military Nuclearcodes from TRUMP and the raid. Now the Deep State cannot create the nuclear warthey planned to create world chaos to hide the Plandemic, the creation of thevirus, the death vaccines, the Military Coup against Trump the world.

·Longago the White Hats infiltrated the Deep State and now the actors are waking up.

·Whathappens when the World White Hat Operations go after theestablishment of the Deep State Khazarian Globalist corruption in the CIA, FBI,ex-presidents and their regimes?

·It'salready happening and the EVENTS are increasing. Everythingis leading to Crimes Against Humanity.

·INFILTRATIONis the key.

·WhiteHats inside the UN are pushing for War Crimes And CrimesAgainst Humanity against Israeli leader Netanyahu. The UN General Assembly ispushing World Courts for 2024 INDICTMENT against NETANYAHU.

·Inthis same time the true good Israeli people will have arevolution in their country and a military coup will happen against the fake Khazarians.

·Inthe same time in the U.S. the collapse of JP Morgan will beginwith World Banks.

·Exposureof Epstein will follow.

·Atthe same time Congress will EXPOSE the control ofIsraeli money over CIA Rinos, Democratic National Committee, Wall Street anddecades of corruption of the Washington DC SWAMP.

·Behindthe Scene a powerful intelligence is helping.

·TheGreat Awakening leads to SUPER INTELLIGENCE and theunderstanding why humanity was kept in the dark for so long.

·BOTHthe DEEP STATE and While Hats ALLIANCE want to reveal thePOWERFUL HIDDEN TECHNOLOGY, but only one wants to use the high tech to savehumanity.

·ZeroPoint Energy, Tesla Infinite Energy is infinite knowledge –God wins.

Q.No Oaths of Office in the Federal Government: Accordingto law, elected officials must swear an oath that they will support, defend,and bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States againstall enemies, foreign and domestic. Within 30 days of appointment to publicoffice, all public officials are legally required to have a signed andnotarized copy of their oath of office. No elected officials in the Federalgovernment have one. They are either non-existent, incomplete, or fraudulent. Throughthe Freedom of Information Act, US attorney Todd Callender, along with his teamat Project Proper Oath, found that not a single member of the existing cabinethas a valid oath of office:

·USSecretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, has no oath ofoffice.

·USSecretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, has no oath of office.

·USAttorney General, Merrick Garland, has no oath of office.

·USSecretary of State, Antony Blinken, has no oath of office.

·USSecretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, hasno oath of office.

·USSecretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, has nooath of office.

·USSecretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra,responsible for declaring a national emergency during COVID, has no oath ofoffice.

·Formerdirector of the Centers for Disease Control, RochelleWalensky, had no oath of office.

·USAttorney for the District of Columbia, Matthew Graves, chiefprosecutor of Jan-sixers, has no oath of office.

·VicePresident of the United States, Kamala Harris, has nooath of office.

R. Fear is the Virus, Truth is the cure! Thingswe've lost since the pandemic & our governments' response to it began, byDr. Judy Mikovits Mother, Research Scientist

Freedom of movement , Freedom of thought , Freedom of speech , Bodily autonomy , Critical thinking , Proportionality , Transparency , Humanity , Empathy , Courage , Reason , Privacy , Friends , Family , Hope , Time , Life

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 15, 2024 (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.