Callum Williams,KBABZ,Miranda Sanchez,+12 more
With Kay now firmly planted in the criminal underworld of Mirogana due to her actions in Star Wars Outlaws' Underworld Mission, New Tricks will see her update her equipment so she can take on more dangerous assignments. Our walkthrough will guide you through this quest to buff your arsenal, with tips for sneaking through enemy encounters, finding useful resources for upgrades and tracking down key points of interest.
Looking for a specific part of this walkthrough? Use the links below to jump between each major section:
- Buying the Ion Casing
- Stealing From The Pykes
- Stealing From The Crimson Dawn
- Travelling to Jaunta’s Hope
- Stealing the Smuggler’s Stash
New Tricks Walkthrough
Following your escapades in the last main mission, Underworld, it’s time to take on a slightly simpler contract. Whenever you’re ready, speak to Danka in Makal’s Gambling Parlor.
Kay will ask for work and Danka will tell her that she has a job, but to complete it, Kay needs an upgrade for her blaster. She’ll recommend we visit a local pawn shop to buy the parts necessary to craft it. After the conversation’s finished, it’s time to track down the merchant to buy an Ion Casing. You’ll see on your compass the location of the merchant is now marked by a yellow magnifying glass icon. With it in sight, leave the Gambling Parlor and follow the marker through the streets of Mirogana.
Buying the Ion Casing
Eventually, the marker will bring you to the pawn shop. Head inside and you’ll find a cluttered store full of old C3 units, droid heads and other scrap. Approach the store's clerk and browse his wares. Amongst them, you’ll see the Ion Casing. It’s free of charge thanks to Danka calling ahead, so grab it (and any other upgrades, if you’re looking to splurge some cash) then exit out.
During the follow-up conversation, Kay will ask for another part for the blaster, but the shopkeeper will tell Kay that the module is illegal and can’t be bought in Mirogana. As you leave the conversation, Kay will call Waka to ask him for another way of acquiring the part. Luckily, Waka has a plan. He informs Kay that she’ll have to steal it, suggesting that she’d need to rob a gang to get one. He suggests either robbing the Crimson Dawn or robbing the Pykes. From here, you’ll get a choice: head into the Crimson Dawn’s territory to steal the part or head into Pyke turf to get it.
Although you’re free to rob either gang, my personal recommendation would be to rob whichever group you chose to side with in the Underworld quest. This will make infiltrating their respective district much easier, as the guards will let you roam freely. Don’t worry, you won’t lose any reputation by stealing the part, so it’s largely about deciding which heist is easier to pull off. Let’s run through both scenarios quickly so you know where to go depending on which group you’re stealing from.
Stealing From The Pykes
If you opted to take the part from the Pykes, head to the map marker shown above. Assuming this was the gang you sided with in Underworld, you’ll be able to stroll past their guards and directly to the marker, which will take you to an alleyway.
In the alley, you’ll see a vent under the watchful eye of a camera. If you’re respected by the Pykes, the camera won’t acknowledge you as a threat, so feel free to walk through its vision. Pass through the camera’s line of sight and, on the wall to your right just beyond the camera’s vision, you’ll find a button to deactivate it. It's circled in the picture above. Turn the camera off, then return to the vent.
Next to the vent, you’ll see a lock which you hack. Complete the mini-game, then head through the vent and emerge in the office on the other side. This area is restricted, but it’s safe to explore freely considering the outpost is unmanned.
Once you’re inside, loot the chest to your right to find the blaster part. Also make sure to search through all the loot in the room for some free valuables and resources, as well as hack the computer to learn that the Pykes keep a *valuable keycard* in a nearby outpost. This keycard will unlock the energy barrier in the same room, so it’s worth tracking down when you have some free time. Regardless, that’s all we can do here for now, so feel free to sneak back out of the office via the vent and leave the Pyke district to continue your mission.
Stealing From The Crimson Dawn
If you’re opting to steal from the Crimson Dawn, you’ll want to go to the map marker shown in the image above.
When you arrive, you’ll find yourself in a small restaurant in the Market District. Assuming you’re allied with the Crimson Dawn, you’ll be able to head straight past the guards standing watch at the door to the restaurant’s kitchen (they're marked in the image above), then follow the path to your left and out into the stronghold behind it.
Follow the walkway you’re currently standing on to reach the ground floor and you’ll see that the quest marker is pointing directly towards a door guarded by two soldiers. We can’t go through there, so we need to find an alternate route inside. Instead, head up to the landing pad via the ramp to the right of the doors. The arrows show the route in the picture above.
When you arrive, you’ll find a fan on the wall to your left. If you use Nix Pulse, you’ll see that there are wires leading from this fan to a nearby lever. The lever needs to be held down for the fan to stop, so wait for any nearby guards to look away, command Nix to hold it and then pass under the fan.
Follow the path here, eventually descending a ladder to reach the outpost below. Inside, you’ll find an array of useful resources worth grabbing, including the Renpalli Station Keycard, which will allow you to access the Renpalli Station stash.
It’s also worth hacking the nearby terminal and taking the data from it, as it’ll reveal how to unlock the energy barrier guarding the chest in the outpost. When you’re ready to move on, loot the large yellow chest on the right-hand side of the room. Inside is the blaster part.
After you have it, you can then leave the outpost by heading back up the ladder and having Nix hold down the lever on the terminal on the floor above, once again stopping the fan so you can escape.
Travelling to Jaunta’s Hope
Regardless of how you got the blaster part, we’re now ready to assemble the Ion Module. First things first, make your way out of Mirogana and back to the outskirts of the city.
Call your speeder and then crack open your map. You’ll want to travel to the place Waka landed the ship, which is a small settlement called Jaunta’s Hope. Follow your quest marker on the compass until you reach the marker. You’ll travel through the vast wilderness of Toshara, listening to Kay talk to Nix about the new plan now they’ve been forced to leave Canto.
As you arrive at Jaunta’s Hope, get off the speeder and head up to the landing pad. Here, you’ll see the new and improved Trailblazer.
You’ll spot Waka beside the entrance ramp, working on the ship. Speak to him. After a short conversation, he’ll tell you he’s installed a blaster workbench on the ship. Head inside and, directly to your left, you’ll see the workbench. Interact with it to begin modifying your blaster. Once you have the Blaster Modification screen up, select Module, then click Ion. You’ll be able to assemble the Ion Burst module. Hold X / A / left mouse button while hovering over your selection and Kay will construct it.
With the blaster’s alternate fire mode now unlocked, it’s time to get back to that mission Danka asked us to complete. Kay will call Danka, and she’ll ask us to steal a stash from a local smuggler, marking the location on our map.
Stealing the Smuggler’s Stash
When you’re ready, hop back on your speeder and make your way over to the quest marker. It’ll take you to a small house just southwest of Jaunta’s Hope.
When you arrive, dismount the speeder and approach the house. As Kay reaches the door, she notices the capacitor behind the window to the right of the door is inactive. Switch to the new ion mode on your blaster by hitting TRIANGLE / Y / the 2 Key then aim your gun through the window and blast the capacitor. Your ion shots will charge it, opening the door.
Head inside and loot the chest on the far right-hand side of the room. Inside, you’ll find the smuggler’s stash, meaning it’s time to return to Danka. Hop back on your speeder and return to Jaunta’s Hope.
When you return to the settlement, your quest marker will guide you to the settlement's cantina. Head inside and you’ll find Danka sitting in a booth. Speak to her, and she’ll commend you on a job well done, telling you about a friend who can fix up your speeder. We'll need to meet with this friend at some point, but for now, the quest is complete and we can continue on to the next major mission: False Flag.
Up Next: False Flag Walkthrough
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