Jillian Michaels Before and After Plastic Surgery: Nose Job (2024)

Jillian Michaels Before and After Plastic Surgery: Nose Job (1)

Jillian Michaels is a world—famous fitness trainer. She gained incredible popularity after filming in the TV show “The Biggest Loser”, where she helped the participants get rid of excess weight.

Jillian Michaels speaks positively about undergoing plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty has changed the life of the goddess of fitness. Let’s see how she looked in her youth and how her appearance changed after. Let’s compare the photos then and now.

Plastic surgery

Jillian Michaels, whose body can be considered the standard of athletic beauty, admitted that she had rhinoplasty. The operation, according to Jillian, changed her life. However, she added: “I don’t think that appearance should determine the essence of personality. But there are some things that can cause people anxiety, and they need to be fixed.”

Rhinoplasty has made drastic changes in the life of the most famous fitness trainer Jillian Michaels. The celebrity spoke about her nose job, saying that she is not at all shy about having plastic surgery.

Jillian Michaels underwent a nose correction procedure at the age of 16. Now she confirms that after the nose job, her life has changed dramatically. The fitness expert notes positive changes in her life and career, so she can’t say anything against plastic surgery. The only point is that Jillian stands for moderation in the correction of appearance.

The rhinoplasty was done by Jillian at such an early age because of the constant ridicule and bullying at school. The children called Jillian Michaels ugly because of fused eyebrows, a big nose and excess weight.

Jillian Michaels Before and After Plastic Surgery: Nose Job (2)

She was able to lose weight and pluck her eyebrows on her own, and for elegant facial features she turned to a plastic surgeon who performed rhinoplasty. By changing the shape of her nose, she felt more confident. To achieve high self-esteem, Jillian was helped by psychotherapy, which she had been undergoing since the age of 5.

Jillian Michaels supports everyone who needs plastic surgery if the issue is as acute as in her case. But, the famous fitness trainer also warns that plastic surgery may not be safe and it is not worth abusing in this matter.

Jillian Michaels Before and After Plastic Surgery: Nose Job (3)

Biography of Jillian Michaels or how to become a successful fitness trainer

Jillian was born on February 18, 1974 in Los Angeles. Her childhood was overshadowed by a number of psychological problems. Despite the fact that her mother was a psychotherapist, Jillian grew up a very anxious and restless child. She recalls that she was constantly tormented by nightmares at night, so at the age of 5, her mother enrolled her in a course of psychotherapy. According to the fitness trainer herself, she still attends sessions with a psychologist, this helps her to maintain confidence and faith in what she is doing.

When Jillian was 12 years old, her parents separated. This was the hardest blow for the girl, and one of its manifestations was a serious weight gain. By that time she was in school, and was overweight with a small stature. Classmates scoffed at Jillian’s appearance, which made her even more worried. The girl’s life changed when her mother enrolled her in martial arts sports courses. She not only learned to control her weight, but also realized a simple truth: no one will respect you if you don’t respect yourself.

However, after her parents’ divorce, the relationship remained very tense. She stopped communicating with her father after he left the family, and the relationship between them is still quite cool.

At the age of 17, Jillian Michaels left home. She studied at California State University, and worked as a bartender at night to feed herself.

After graduation, she worked as an agent in one of the largest companies in Los Angeles. But she didn’t like this job, and soon after leaving it, she became a personal fitness trainer. And at the age of 28, Michaels opened her own gym.

However, the biggest breakthrough in her career occurred in 2005, when she was invited as a fitness trainer on the TV show “The Biggest Loser”, which became popular in the United States. In it, overweight participants competed with each other in order to lose the maximum amount of weight with the help of sports and proper nutrition.

In the USA, the TV show “The Biggest Loser” has gained incredible popularity among viewers. Participation in the project was the finest hour for Jillian Michaels, making her one of the main American experts in fitness.

But Michaels didn’t stop there. She continues to promote a healthy lifestyle and sports, releasing video trainings and books about proper nutrition. Thanks to her advice and fitness programs, a million people around the world manage to cope with excess weight.

Jillian Michaels combines kickboxing, yoga, Pilates and other types of physical activity in her workouts, finding the right balance between cardio and strength training. Michaels’ goal is a quick result.

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Jillian Michaels Before and After Plastic Surgery: Nose Job (2024)


Does rhinoplasty make a nose smaller or changes its appearance? ›

Rhinoplasty can change the size, shape or proportions of the nose. It may be done to fix issues from an injury, correct a birth defect or improve some breathing problems.

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Many anti-aging rhinoplasty procedures involve repositioning the nose and lifting up the nasal tip. This makes the nose appear smaller, more youthful, and more proportionate to the other facial features. Achieving natural-looking and rejuvenating results requires careful planning.

Can rhinoplasty fix a bulbous nose? ›

One of the more common requests in rhinoplasty is the correction of a bulbous tip. This is possibly one of the most obvious and dramatic corrections that can be made, but it is also one of the most difficult changes to achieve.

How many nose jobs are successful? ›

Though rhinoplasty is among one of the most complex facial surgeries, it has a fairly high success rate of 80%.

How much can rhinoplasty reduce nose size? ›

There is no set limit on just how much smaller a person's nose can be made with rhinoplasty surgery, but there are limitations on what is possible and appropriate based on individual patient factors, including their current anatomy, their facial proportions and harmony, and others. Additionally, Dr.

Will my nose look better after rhinoplasty? ›

Although final results may not show until a year after surgery, most patients see a noticeable difference in the appearance of their noses and get an idea of what the outcome will look like around 4-6 months after their rhinoplasty, with most of the initial swelling diminished by the four-month mark.

What is the regret rate for nose jobs? ›

If you've been watching your rhinoplasty heal over time and you're still thinking “I don't like my nose”, it's not unheard of. As many as 10-15% of cosmetic nose surgeries result in unhappy clients who will choose to undergo a second procedure to fix it.

What is the best age for rhinoplasty? ›

There are no concrete age requirements for a rhinoplasty procedure, but many surgeons suggest waiting until around 18 years old for a nose job to ensure facial features are fully developed. Facial features mature at different rates and patients have different reasons for a rhinoplasty procedure.

Is 60 too old for a nose job? ›

While there is no age limit, rhinoplasty over 55 is quite uncommon for cosmetic reasons. That said, you can still get a nose job in your 60s or 70s. However, the approach and results may be affected by old age.

How much does a bulbous tip nose job cost? ›

How much does a Bulbous Tip Rhinoplasty Cost? The cost of a bulbous tip rhinoplasty, also known as a tip plasty, can vary significantly depending on the complexity of the procedure and the surgeon's experience. Generally, the cost of a bulbous tip rhinoplasty ranges from $5,000 - $10,000.

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One potential cause for bulbous appearance of the nose is the development of scar tissue at the nasal tip. This does not occur right away, but rather may develop over time.

Is tip plasty cheaper than rhinoplasty? ›

Many patients are under the impression that tip plasty is significantly cheaper than a full rhinoplasty procedure — but that is not always the case. Nasal tip plasty is a surgical procedure that requires anesthesia, as well as skill and expertise.

What is the most sought after nose job? ›

One of the most coveted nose job styles currently making waves is the "natural enhancement." In an era where authenticity reigns supreme, many individuals opt for subtle refinements that enhance their features while preserving their unique identity.

What is the most difficult nose surgery? ›

Correcting a bulbous nose is one of the most challenging procedures in the already difficult field of rhinoplasty. Refining a bulbous nose requires an experienced surgeon with both artistic sense and technical precision.

Did anyone notice your nose job? ›

Surprisingly, even a dramatic change in a nose can oftentimes be “unseen” by even your closest friends. If the nose is proportional and natural in shape to the face, which is the goal of nose surgery, the end result is often undetected by others.

Is my nose going to get smaller after rhinoplasty? ›

“Will my nose tip get smaller after rhinoplasty?” The answer is, of course, yes.

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Some operations require a cut to the tissue between the nostrils to perform the rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty can change the size of the nose, as well as its width and profile. The nose tip, shape of the nostrils and balance of the nose (nasal symmetry) can also be altered.

Does rhinoplasty change your appearance? ›

In the same way that your appearance can be affected by a crooked, large, or unusually curved nose, a nose job can change the look of your entire face without structurally affecting your other facial features.

Do nose job noses shrink? ›

The problem is that when surgeons make the nose smaller by removing bone and cartilage, they are removing some of the structure of the nose. As a result, many of these people who had nose jobs early on, found that over time their nose was collapsing.


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