Cost Of Hamsters At Petsmart - ThePricer Media (2024)

Last Updated on September 22, 2023
Written by CPA Alec Pow | Content Reviewed by Cost Of Hamsters At Petsmart - ThePricer Media (1) CFA Alexander Popinker

PetSmart is a popular retailer for all sorts of small pets, not just hamsters, and if you’re looking to get your own little furry friend at one of their stores then the prices will depend on which type they are.

How much does a hamster cost at PetSmart?

You can find a multitude of hamster types at PetSmart and the final cost will be influenced mostly by the type you go for. The following is a list of hamster breeds available at Petsmart, along with the average cost for each type.


Type of HamsterExpected COst
Female Short-Haired Hamster$15 to $23
Female Long-Haired Hamster$15 to $23
Male Short-Haired Hamster$15 to $23
Male Long-Haired Hamster$15 to $23
Female Robo Dwarf Hamster$16 to $25
Female Winter White Hamster$16 to $25
Male Winter White Hamster$16 to $25
Male Robo Dwarf Hamster$16 to $25
Male Fancy Bear Hamster$16 to $25
Male Chinese Dwarf Hamster$25 to $34
Female Fancy Bear Hamster$24 to $34

Any additional expenses to consider?

With a hamster, you’re not just buying the animal itself but also all of its accouterments. This includes things like cages ($30-$70), water bottles ($5) chew sticks($5), bedding material($5). But don’t forget about toys and an exercise wheel for entertainment as well.

When you purchase a new cage for your hamster, there are many factors to consider. You’ll need to think about the size of the enclosure as well as the actual model you get. For example, if you buy one that isn’t labeled specifically for a hamster they could manage to get out.

You might also like our articles about the cost of hamsters in general, gerbils, or otters.

You’ll also need to buy supplies like bedding and food on an ongoing basis, which can cost upwards of $25 per month.

Important things to remember

PetSmart offers a variety of hamsters. The long-haired and short-haired hamster varieties are common, as well as the winter white, Russian dwarf, Robo dwarf types which all vary in size. They even sell one kind of hamster that is called “fancy bear”. Among the most popular is the dwarf hamster, which is about the size of a Syrian hamster but eats slightly less food.

The dwarf hamsters are social creatures and prefer to live in small family groups. PetSmart’s availability of hamsters will vary depending on your location and time of year. Some varieties may be seasonal because the availability is dependent on factors such as where they’re being bred or what region you happen to live in.

Hamsters are among the many animals that may be purchased from PetSmart, which is why a company initiative called Vet Assured was created. If you purchase an animal through this program they will undergo veterinarian-approved care and observation for typical illnesses. Furthermore, the program provides that animals in stores receive adequate care by setting explicit standards for vendors to comply with.

Cost Of Hamsters At Petsmart - ThePricer Media (2)PetSmart is a pet store that offers great customer service. In the event of an illness or other dissatisfaction with your pet in the first 14 days, PetSmart will replace it for free. This offer isn’t just limited to purchases made in their physical stores either – if you purchase from them online they’ll still provide this same level of support.

PetSmart provides pet care guidelines for all small pets, including hamsters. They cover topics such as choosing a suitable companion, diet and nutrition, habitat set up to ensure your new little friend is comfortable at home or on the go with you. Pet supplies, as well as accessories, are also available inside their stores.

Hamsters are nocturnal, so the first time you see one in a store they may be shy. But with some patience and effort on your part (like feeding them), many hamsters will start to recognize you as their friend and warm up to you.

Be sure to set up your hamster’s cage in a quiet place, as they sleep during the day. In this area, you should also take into consideration how much light there is and avoid direct sunlight at all costs; it can be harmful to them. Plan on spending 20 minutes every week cleaning out their cage – change their food and water daily and make sure that everything is put in place properly so that nothing gets stuck or falls through the bars of the flooring.

Hamsters are a good match for kids aged 10 and up. These pets are high-energy in general, but this is just one of the reasons they’re such an excellent pet choice. They keep active at night. Hamsters typically live about three years when cared for properly – that’s ample time to make life-long memories with your furry friend before saying goodbye.

Is there any way to spend less?

The hamster is a wonderful choice for an affordable pet. It’s important to be aware of the costs associated with caregiving, though; supplies can add up quickly. When it comes to food and other necessities like bedding or chew toys, bulk buying often results in significant discounts than when purchasing items one at a time.

A homemade obstacle course can be made from old toilet paper rolls. It is cheaper and better for your small pet than buying commercial litter or bedding. Also, check out the company’s official sale page of the small pet section on their website to see what supplies are currently discounted- you could save a bundle with these deals.

Consider adopting your next furry friend at any local animal shelter near you before buying from a store. They are usually a lot cheaper at adoption centers.

Cost Of Hamsters At Petsmart - ThePricer Media (2024)


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