17 Simple Camping Breakfast Recipes (2024)

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Maybe it’s just me, but I’m convinced that most food tastes better when eaten outdoors. Breakfast has always been my favorite meal, and camping is no exception. If there’s one family camping meal that I want to make sure that we eat something AWESOME, it’s a good camping breakfast.

17 Simple Camping Breakfast Recipes (1)

All of these camping breakfast ideas, are great whether you’re camping solo, or cooking for a large group camping trip. Above all, all of these ideas below are kid-friendly camping breakfasts!

When we’re out camping with kids, breakfast literally fuels our day, so packing our camping meals full of lots of energy and nutrients is a high priority for me. I know that my kids will last longer while hiking on the trail, or paddling down a river if I gave them a healthy camping breakfast to start the day.

17 Simple Camping Breakfast Recipes (2)

No Cook Camping Breakfasts

Just because you’re making a camping breakfast, doesn’t mean that you need to spend a ton of time behind a griddle, or get up extra early to start your family campfire. These easy kid-friendly camping breakfasts are our go-to when we’re camping with the kids and have a busy day ahead of us.You’ll love these no-cook camping breakfast ideas that don’t require any cooking.

Yogurt Parfait Bar

17 Simple Camping Breakfast Recipes (3)

This no cook family camping breakfast can be as easy or complicated as you make it. This is the camping breakfast that I usually grab when we’re in a rush. It doesn’t take much to make this a little extra special.

Before we head out, we grab a small container of yogurt in everyone’s favorite flavor. Top with granola, and then add berries or sliced fruit, and a few fun toppings (coconut and sliced nuts are our favorite for camping parfaits).

The toppings that we put on our yogurt parfaits, also would work great for an oatmeal bar, so bring all the toppings and get 2 breakfasts out of your prep work.

Bagel and Cream Cheese

17 Simple Camping Breakfast Recipes (4)

This is hands down the easiest no cook camping breakfast out there. It takes just a minute to prepare and is easy to eat on the go. My favorite thing about this no cook camping breakfast is that it’s NOT MESSY, so I can easily feed it to my kids in the car if we’re headed for a super early hike or adventure. To simplify making bagels while camping, we always buy the tub of spreadable cream cheese instead of the packets, since the tub makes it so much easier to store the leftovers.

While it’s tempting to just grab a stack of bagels from the grocery store, splurge a bit and get bagels made in a bakery. It’s only going to cost a couple dollars more, but the taste is 10 times better.Bagels are also great for sandwiches on the go at lunch time, since they’re much sturdier than sandwich bread. We’ll almost always choose bagel sandwiches for lunch instead of sandwiches made with bread that smashes too easily.

Boiled Eggs and Fruit

Boiled eggs are the perfect camping breakfast for families to make ahead and eat while camping. Boiled eggs will stay good for a week if kept cold in the fridge or cooler, so they’re an easy no cook camping breakfast. Pair them with some fruit (we love these no sugar added fruit cups) for an easy breakfast while camping.


Just because you’re camping doesn’t mean you can’t have the easiest breakfast ever. Cereal is the easiest camping breakfast for groups, so plan on having this on days where you just don’t want to get up early and cook or when you have to feed a crowd. Since cereal is notorious for lacking in nutrients, add a side of fruit or yogurt, so that your family has plenty of energy for the day.

Easy Hot Camping Breakfasts

Create Your Own Oatmeal Bar

17 Simple Camping Breakfast Recipes (5)

Oatmeal is one of my favorite camping breakfasts, since it’s so versatile, and is a hot camping breakfast that you can make super quick. Ditch the instant oatmeal packets, and instead make a healthier camping oatmeal by cooking your oats from scratch (it’s really just oats and water and a dash of salt – SO EASY). We prefer Old Fashioned Oats since they have a thicker texture. Bring a variety of toppings so that everyone can customize their camping oatmeal, just the way you like it. This is hands down the easiest camping breakfast if you’re feeding a crowd (or a large family, like we have).As an added bonus, with a camping oatmeal bar, everyone can get their oatmeal just the way they like it, so you’ll hear less complaining about what you made!

Here are some of our favorite camping oats toppings (store these in small tupperware or plastic bags to easily save them for your next camping meal:

If you want to pack a bit of protein into your meal, add a scoop of protein powder to the bowl (we always do this on days we’re going to be super active!). This is an easy camping breakfast idea that packs a punch and doesn’t take much time to prep.

Easy Camping Pancakes

17 Simple Camping Breakfast Recipes (6)

Pancakes are my kids’ love language. The amount of pancakes they can eat would shock you, and I know that if I want to make our camping breakfast extra special, pancakes are the way to their heart. If you’re going to be making pancakes while camping, this griddle will probably save your life, so grab it in advance.Cooking pancakes with a frying pan will take significantly longer than on a griddle where you can cook several at a time.

When we go camping with kids, we always use Kodiak Cakes since they’re packed full of protein. I also love that they’re super easy to make and all you need is to add water to the mix! To add a little something extra to this camping breakfast, top with peanut butter and maple syrup, for extra protein and energy, and make your camping breakfast special with a mound of whipped cream on the top.

If you’re planning to make pancakes while camping, don’t forget the cooking spray and a good pancake turner or you may end up with a disaster on your hands!

Easy Breakfast Skillet Scramble

17 Simple Camping Breakfast Recipes (7)

While my kids love pancakes, my husband is the most happy when we have a more substantial camping breakfast. I know that if I get up early and make a breakfast scramble, he’s going to be happy for the rest of the day and will usually be willing to help with all the random camp chores I need help with!

To make your camping scramble extra easy, buy everything pre chopped and all your meats precooked. Here’s what you need:

Cook your potatoes and peppers in your skillet first until both are soft. Add your eggs for scrambled eggs, and when they’re getting close to finished, add in the meat (it’s precooked so you’re just warming it up). Top with shredded cheese.

Easy Breakfast Burritos for Camping

17 Simple Camping Breakfast Recipes (8)

Breakfast burritos may sound complicated, but it’s one of our go-to easy camping meal ideas. You know that breakfast scramble that I just mentioned, it’s also the secret sauce to your camping breakfast burritos. Cook the exact same meal with scrambled eggs, but put it inside of a tortilla, and add some salsa verde to the inside. If you like a bit more mexican flavor, add a can of diced green chilis to the skillet as you cook. Serve with a side of guacamole and sour cream.

No-Mess French Toast Sticks

17 Simple Camping Breakfast Recipes (9)

I love making french toast when we’re camping with kids, and making french toast sticks makes it even easier. Cut your bread into 4 slices lengthwise, and dip in your egg and milk mixture. Cook on the griddle until both sides are browned, and then serve. My kids are so obsessed with getting to dunk their french toast sticks into their toppings. Since syrup can get super messy for kids to dunk, try giving them some yogurt or whipped cream to dip their camping french toast sticks into.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches

While your kids may think of their brown bag school lunches, a PB&J Sandwich is such an easy camping breakfast. Use a whole grain bread and a natural peanut butter to limit the sugar and pack in the nutrients. If you have kids who like to be independent (or you just want to sleep in a little more), this is an easy camping breakfast that kids can make alone.

More Easy Camping Breakfast Ideas

Still not settled on the perfect camping breakfast? Here’s a little more inspiration for you:

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Find the best unique accomodations in the Dolomites!


17 Simple Camping Breakfast Recipes (10)

Residenz Erschbaum - Our FAVORITE Farmstay

This is hands down our favorite farmstay in the Dolomites. If you're looking for a working farm with lots of animals that the kids can check out, look no further.


Agriturismo Soleseid

Another great farm stay with animals in the Dolomites,


17 Simple Camping Breakfast Recipes (11)

The Rifugio offers two types of accommodation: Bedrooms on the first floor- some with balcony – all furnished with traditional wood or the spacious Dormitories with bunk beds, situated below the Rifugio's ample terrace. They all offer amazing views of the Dolomites (UNESCO World Heritage). There is total of 76beds, 18 in Bedrooms and 56 in Dormitories.


17 Simple Camping Breakfast Recipes (12)

The dolomites are waiting for you - Farm stays for Rent in Ponte nelle Alpi, Veneto, Italy

Photo Credit:https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/173329?source_impression_id=p3_1581479387_UNA9Fv9OzlZxiyYZ

Immersed in 40000 square meters. property of green surrounded by the Dolomites and the B & B is an 'oasis, a small paradise, ideal for those seeking peace and tranquility.

What are the best camping breakfast ideas for a large crowd?

The easiest camping breakfast for a large crowd is Oatmeal. It’s hot and filling, and if you’re creative, you can come up with an oatmeal bar full of delicious toppings so that everyone can customize their own breakfast.

What is the worst camping breakfast for a large crowd?

The worst camping breakfast for a group is either pancakes (cooked on a frying pan), or bacon (it takes SO LONG to make enough for a crowd).

What is the easiest camping breakfast?

The easiest camping breakfast is hands down one that you don’t have to cook. We love bagels and cream cheese or boil ahead eggs!

What is the best camping breakfast idea for kids?

The most fun camping breakfast for kids is french toast sticks. Let the kids dip them in yogurt or whipped cream for a fun treat that’s less messy than syrup.

17 Simple Camping Breakfast Recipes (2024)


What is an easy breakfast when camping? ›

Yogurt Parfaits

This is one of the best camping breakfast ideas and one that's also easy to overlook. Bring a tub of your favorite yogurt, seasonal fruit, and granola, nuts, or a favorite cereal, then assemble the parfaits.

What is a good breakfast for camping without eggs? ›

Eggless Breakfast Burrito or Tacos

A combination of cheese, salsa, avocado, prepackaged beans, and veggies tastes just as good cold. Packaged, seasoned jackfruit is a great no-cook, vegetarian alternative to meat or eggs. Just spoon it onto a tortilla, add your favorite toppings, fold, and hit the trail.

What is a savory breakfast that is not eggs? ›

You'll find hearty, filling alternatives in sausage, smoked salmon, scrambled tofu, and even leftover roast beef. Meanwhile, hash browns, grits, eggless biscuits, and savory oatmeal will keep breakfast from ever getting boring.

What is a savory breakfast that aren't eggs? ›

Potatoes, sausage and biscuits are good replacement. Breakfast isn't just eggs. Pancakes make a great breakfast!

Is it OK for a 14 year old to skip breakfast? ›

A 2019 review of studies in the journal Nutrients found that children and adolescents who don't eat breakfast are more likely to be or become overweight or obese. This may be partly because many kids who skip breakfast tend to eat unhealthy foods later in the day. Eating breakfast gets your child's metabolism going.

What is a healthy breakfast for a 14 year old? ›

Healthy breakfast options include porridge, oats, muesli, rice, vegetables, low-sugar wholegrain cereal, boiled eggs, omelettes, wholegrain toast, fruit and yoghurt.


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